Fernando Gomes

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since Apr 11, 2004
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I�m new to Tapestry and just have used it in small projects.
I don�t know anything about HiveMind.

I always hated the nonsense complexity related to EJBs and the ordinary J2EE architecture recommended by Sun, specially JSPs that are confuse, ugly and error prone.

Tapestry seems perfect because all the reasons you know better than me.
In this direction, I mean: simplicity, maintenability, loose coupled layers and rapid testing environments... How do you position HiveMind and how should I integrate it in an enterprise application?

Currently I�m studying a Tapestry+Spring+Hibernate example application and I�d like to know if and how HiveMind could add value without compromissing simplicity and maintanability.

Thank you.
It seems I discovered something weird in my Linux box.
The problem was hostname and domainname were misconfigured.
Probably you will receive a strange message when WTK emulator is started, telling you something like "hostname not found" or "wrong IP"... I don't remember very well.
My /etc/sysconfig/networking/profiles/default/network was ...
... and should be:
Enter RedHat network configuration applet and reconfigure your system, restart networking and check if everything seem OK. Start WTK emulator and you should not see the weird message anymore.
I hope it helps.
Fernando Gomes
20 years ago
I'm using the following code:

... and I call as follows:

I hope it helps.
Fernando Gomes
20 years ago
Does anyone know how to enable native code under Linux version of WTK2.1 ?
It seems WTK2.1 cannot call a native code method inside libzayit.so.
I have already checked libzayit.so and the method I need is really there.
I've read that you have to define LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point at libzayit.so.
I also ready that -Xbootclasspath/a:/my-wtk-path/bin is need in order to libzayit to be found. I've tryed many "flavors" but it's not working.
I know JNI is not supported under MAC/OSX and I'm afraid that JNI is not supported under Linux too!
Below you can see my method, the error I got and my java.sh script I run inside my profile.
Thank you in advance
Fernando Gomes
20 years ago