Padma Anand

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since Apr 14, 2004
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The kind of processing I need is basically picking up the values. I have a table A with "id" and "name" as columns. I get a list of these ids(from a different query and from a different table B), lets say around 100. I cannot display these ids. So, I have to query on A for each id, get the name and display it. Now, I don't want to query for each id for obviuos reasons. so, I want to store these ids in a collection like vector, send it to a stored procedure, have a loop over the query in the procedure, store the resultant values in a collection and return it back( or a resultset).
I wanted to know if any precautions need to be taken for the SP working uniformly across all the databases. I am working on Oracle, SQL Server, DB2. I want to have a single java solution for calling SP across the databases.
Can I pass any kind of parameter to a callable statement? I have a set of values which I want to store in a vector and get them processed through a stored procedure and I want this stored procedure to return a collection. Is this possible? or can I only send string, int, float and other primary datatypes?
Also, can I have this callable statement valid across multiple databases? like oracle, SQLserver, db2 etc? Do I need to take any precautions?
when I write a java program on win2k and compile it, will the compiled byte code run on any OS? or any necessary precautions need to be taken to make the code run on all the OSs. I was told by somebody that though java claims "write once and run everywhere" still some precautions have to be taken to run the code on different VMs. Can somebody let me know what precautions are necessary to make the code truly portable?
20 years ago