Sunanda Kanshi

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since Dec 26, 2000
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Recent posts by Sunanda Kanshi

Que: Which of the following statements are true about setLayout() method in java.awt.ScrollPane
1. Does nothing.
2. Throws UnsupportedMethodException when called.
3. It is not overriden in java.awt.ScrollPane.
4. Sets the layout to the specified Layout Manager.
Thanks in advance
23 years ago
These r two uestions from Java2-Philip Heller & other's certification guide.
1.a thread wants to make a second thread ineligible for execution?To do this,first thread can call the suspend() method on second thread?Is it True or False?why or why not?
2.a thread wants to make a second thread ineligible for execution?To do this,first thread can call the yield() method on second thread?Is it True or False?Why or why not?
Thanks in advance.
23 years ago
What is the difference between getabsolutePath and getCanonicalPath?How they r used?
thanks in advance.
23 years ago
Thanks for the description,but there is one more doubt,what about the decimal places in both ,the single and double precision.
Thanks in advance.
23 years ago
Hello friends,
I am confused about the single and double precision in Java.What they are used for and what's the difference between them.If anyone can tell me,i will be very thankful.
Thanks in advance.
23 years ago
Thanks Stephanie .i got the difference.
23 years ago
Hello friends,
Can anybody tell me the difference os checked and unchecked exceptions and when they are used.Where can i get more information on this topic.
Thanks in advance.
23 years ago
Hello friends,
While going thru'some mock exams,i got doubt in a qestion.The question is:
In BorderLayout , the component at the center gets all the space
that is left over, after the components at the North and South have been considered.
According to me this should be TRUE ,but the exam answer is false,why?
Can u explain me.
Thanks in ad advance.
23 years ago
Can anybody tell me where i can get information regarding the number formats(Octals,hexadecimal and binary) and the shift operators in detail.
Thanks in advance.
23 years ago
I am planning to sit for scjp and want some moer info on Layout managers.Can anybody tell where i can get more info. on GridBagLayout.If u know,pls tell me the url or books.
Thanks in advance
first of all i didn't get ur question whether u r asking about the setting layout mananger for window or whether the window has border or not.
if u r talking about Layout for window,then as window objects are not created directly,but it is used with frame which has default layout manager of Borderlayout.
And if u r talking about whether the window objects have border or not ,then the answer is they don't have border.
Hope so it helps u,
Hi friends,
If u people are sure about the changes in Syllabus of Sun certification,it will be very helpful if u just pass on the url where we can get the information regarding it.I have registered for the exam and planning to give by January end.
U can mail me on my e-mail id
Thanks in advance

[This message has been edited by Sunanda Kanshi (edited December 26, 2000).]