Olivier Scalbert

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since May 07, 2004
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Recent posts by Olivier Scalbert


As I will not be able to start the application like this:
java -jar application.jar
without playing with class loader, I will forget this approach.

By the way, why the standard class loader does not look into the included jar files ?
Is there a good reason ?
Finally what is the purpose of the "Class_path" entry ?


15 years ago
Yes you are right Joanne, the class loader does not find the classes inside the included jar files.

So, if I understand correctly, without playing with class loaders (ie modifying the application), it is NOT possible to package all the jar files into a unique jar file. It is true ?


15 years ago
Hello everybody !

I have not write a simple (Swing) java application since a long time, and I have a doubt !
The application use three external jar files.
Can I package the application so it is only include in ONE jar file (easier to deploy)?

15 years ago

Finally, it has been decided to not use OpenSSO, as safety of this application is not an issue.
Ok, we can discuss here !!!

Login will be done via a database access with login/password ...

Should I use a stateless bean with polluted interface or statefull bean just to be able to log the loged user at each call ?



I am using JAXB to read xml document. Everything works well (fast and easy).
Now, as the xml files I received becomes larger and larger, I have to increase the java heap size( -Xmx).
I as don't like to be limited by memory, I try to found an other solution.
In the samples given by JAXB, there is a streaming-unmarshalling sample that does what I want, based on listeners generated by JAXB.

However, I do not know how to generate the listeners inside the generated classes with xjc ...

I have tried with the -Xinject-listener-code but xjc does not like this option ...

Any ideas ?

Thanks for the help,



Do not forget the thread safety aspect !
If you are using the previous code, in a multi-threading context, then you can create several singletons.
Which is not good !

You can found interesting infos there:

15 years ago
Thanks Reza !

Ok, statefull ! I understand better!

Interceptor approach seems interesting but I never play with it.
In a next step our application will be under the protection of OpenSSO.
As the application will have to get infos from OpenSSO (user groups / to get users right ...), I will try to write an interceptor then.

Thanks again for your help,


Stateless EJB are to be avoid ?
Are you sure ?


I have a JSF application that access a stateless session bean exposing all the business logic interface ...
Today, I receive a new requirement: log all operations requested to this bean with the user id, time and so on.
I see two ways for doing that:
1 - I pollute the session bean interface by adding the user id parameter in each method (I do not like pollution, but I can stay stateless);
2 - I use a statefull session bean that stores the user id passed at the construction (statefull only for remembering user id is perhaps overkill).

I am sure you have plenty of good advices !


Thanks, that is a good idea !

But in case I have less then 10 parameters, is not it a little bit too overkill? But then what can be another alternative ?

Hi all,

We are writing a JSF web app + some session beans. The jars and wars are packaged inside an ear file.
In this application, they are some configuration parameters that will perhaps change in the future, as directories locations, mail addresses, etc, ...
I do not want to hard-code theses values. I want to put them in a property file or something like that, but outside the ear file, in order to avoid rebuild it in case of change. Is it the good approach ? Are they any other options ?
We are using glassfish.



In short, I am writing a JSF application that exposes a mysql database through JPA entities and stateless session bean.
I am using glassfish.
I have a question on robustness. If I shutdown the mysql server, of course I have exceptions as soon as I try to access the database.
As I catch the exceptions, the JSF app is still alive.
If I restart the mysql server, how could I automatically recreate the db connexion to glassfish ?
I am using hibernate.


Ooop, copy not cut !!!

Your code works without any problem with the Woodstock framework ...
So I have to investigate to the ICEfaces side.


15 years ago
Sorry for the title of my post.
Should have been:
how to create an EntityManagerFactory from JUnit !

Sorry for that, I do not know if it is possible to change this