marys joseph

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since May 14, 2004
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Recent posts by marys joseph

Does anyone have this kind of joke to share?

I remember I have seen another version of it. but I can't find it.
19 years ago
I have been programming in Java for 3 years now, I recently moved to a new company and they are using this everywhere in the same class.

for ex:

public class MyClass{

public MyClass(){

public myMethodA(){
this.myMethodB(); //is this necessary?
public myMethodB(){


I remember I read somewhere we don't have to do this.. but I don't have anything to back it up and I am not even sure if I am right.. can someone throw some light?

19 years ago
thanks for your reply.

books file contains details abotu books
Structure of the xml file is
<book id='',name='',productdescription='',price=''></book>

We have more than 50 books in the file. When user tried to update the books info we do update the file, this may happen atleast 5 times when user opens up the application.

Right now I read all the nodes and check the book id to get the node and update it.

hope i gave all the information.

I just started learning about XML, in my company we need to store details about books in xml file.
<book id ='12',bookName='xml'></book>

1) we need to some times query this xml file, right now I am reading an entire file and verifying the book id to identify the one I want to show.
Is there any way to make this process easier?

2)Some time I need to update an existing book data too, so if you could let me know to do this 'right' way and tutorials that would be great.

Thanks for your reply.

I did not clearly explain what I wanted to know, but gave me the answer. :-)

we are not in position to hire someone right now, can you point me to some training classes ?

thanks a lot for your help,

For softwares we have many kinds of models. (ex:waterfall..)

is there something like that for website development..


In our company(small) we would like to control the development "process".

we were having only 2 projects before and now we are having more than 10 at hand, and many new hires are going to be in another 4 months.

We write requirement documents based on "Mastering requirement process" book. we do a little design, using UML tool. so that is it..

What are the things your company does to control the process.

is there any kind of training available for this? we do it by only "book" knowledge and we are not sure if we are doing it correct.

I was working part time ($15) in a company (Java : JDBC, servelets,jsp) and now they have offered me full time with pay of $30,000.. I need to start working on flash, actionscript along with java tech appliaction development.

I think this is very low pay? but they say this is how now the market is..

could you guide me? please. should I accept te offer or look for better offers.

20 years ago
I am using ping.exe if os is windows if it is linux I call ping or traceroute.

20 years ago
thanks all for replying. I need to do "ping" and " traceroute" using java. I am opening a ".exe" to do. that's why I need to know the system prop so that the correct cmd is excuted.

thanks again,

I will try to find system.getproperty(string)
20 years ago

I need to check if the machine is in linux or windows how can I check it?

also as we call .exe files for windows how can we do that in linux

20 years ago

I need to get today's date and insert into sql table.

Date d = new Date();
long today = now.getTime();

when I insert this value into sql table hour:min:sec is also inserted. please give me suggestions to get today's date in long value or in timestamp value without hr:min:sec attached to it.

20 years ago

I need help for a sql query, i have 2 tables.

table a: studentid sname
table b: studentid, studentNumber.

sometimes same studentid has 1 or more studentnumbers.

I need to display studentid,studentnumber,sname

when I join I always get multiple rows of same student because the student has more than 1 student number. I want to get only one studentnumber if the student has more. how can i do that. I used distinct keyword but the rows are not actually different.


I am reading data from excel file and updating the sql table. When I read all the contents from excel file are in String format. How do I change the string into Date.

For ex:

String s ='3/31/2003'

When I tried Date renew = new Date(s); it is not storing the correct date.

I need to insert 3/31/2003 into the DB table.

any suggestions?

20 years ago
Hi all,

I have to read from excel file and update a tbl in sql server.

Partial code is :

Problem I have with this code is
1)it does not read the first row
2)idnumber has numeric, alpha and alphanumeric values. If the second row has numeric value then if it returns null for rest of the alpha and alphanumeric value. If the second row has alpha value then it return null for the numeric and alphanumeric values.

Any ideas to resolve this problem?

20 years ago