Johnson Jose

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Hi Manisekharan Chella,

Good to know that you are interested for XML certification.
Can you please mail your contact details to my mail id?

Hi all,

All whitespace characters in the xml content are preserved and whitespace within element tags and attribute values may be removed.

Plesae tell me why?

Johnson :roll:
Hi Friends,

What is the difference between Document root and Document entity in an XML document?

Thanks in advance

4. What is an xml Element?
Elements are the main component of an XML document.

An element is represented by using a start tag (<> and an end tag (</> .

For example: Book element can be represented as <Book></Book>

Everything between the start and end tags of an element is considered to be the content of the element.

The content of an element can be
character data - CDATA(text),
no content (empty element), or
other elements (known as child elements).

Elements can also contain comments, processing instructions, or entity references.

We can represent empty elements with a single special tag
Example : <Book/>
This is equivalent to: <Book></Book>

--------------------------------- End ---------------------------------
5. What is an Attribute?
Attributes give you more information about the data an element represents.

An element can contain any number of attributes.

Attributes are specified as name-value pairs and they appear within the start tag of the element.

Attribute values are enclosed within quotes.

An attribute value may contain text characters, entity references, or character references.

Attribute names are unique within the same element. That is in a single element, no two attributes can have the same name.

For example:
<Book isbn="s325-034-778"></Book>
is valid,
<Book isbn="s325-034-778" isbn="s353-412-341"></Book>
is not valid.

--------------------------------- End ---------------------------------
6. Well-formed XML Document?
XML code that follows certain rules defined in the W3C XML specifications is called well-formed XML.

An XML document is said to be well formed if:

For each element defined in the XML document, every start tag has a corresponding end tag.

All the XML elements must nest properly within each other.
For example,
is not allowed, but
is allowed.

In each element, no two attributes have the same name.

Markup characters are properly specified.

The document contains only one root element.
That is an element that is present only once in the document and does not appear as a child of any other element.

The first element must contain the special tag that identifies the file as an XML document.

Attributes (extra information that can be provided for an elements) must be properly quoted.

Both the elements and attributes must follow the proper naming conventions.

--------------------------------- End ---------------------------------
Hi Friends,

I would like to share some of my certification notes with all of you.
This I have collected from various books and site.
Please correct / add to this note, so this will be helpful to those who prepare for the certification.

Thanks in advance

Topic -1 : XML Basics
1. What is XML?
XML stands for EXtensible Markup Language.

XML is a markup language much like HTML.

XML is basically a textural data �marked up� with self-defining tags that follows a well-defined set of rules.

The XML document consists of tags and text. The tags normally contain �key/value� pairs.

XML was designed to describe the data. That is to structure, store and to send information.

In XML tags are not predefined. You must define your own tags.

The primary strength of XML is its simplicity.

XML uses a DTD or an Schema to describe the data.

XML is a W3C Recommendation.
----------------------------------- End ------------------------------
2. What is the difference between XML and HTML?
XML is not a replacement for HTML. XML and HTML were designed with different goals:

XML was designed to �describe and carry the data�. Here the focus is �what data is�.

HTML was designed to �display data� and to focus on �how data looks�.

---------------------------------- End ---------------------------------
3. What are the basic building blocks of XML?
The basic building blocks of XML files are elements and attributes.

---------------------------------- End ---------------------------------
Hi Matt,


Thanks for all the inputs.

Hi Hari,

Thanks a lot for the information

Hi Bolton,

Thanks for the information.

Hi Friends,

Can I override the namespace prefix declaration in the same XML document?

Thanks in advance
Hi Friends,

I have come across the following information in �� site Item No XI.

XML namespaces contain names of element types and attributes not the elements or attributes themselves.

I am not very clear about the same.
Can some one please give me some details?

Thanks in advance

Hi Friends,

What exactly a parser will do, once it start parsing an �xml� document?
Can any one provide some light on this?

Johnson :roll:
Hi Friends,

I have just started preparing for XML 141 certification. Is there someone in Chennai who is interested in group studies? We can exchange our study materials? Please let me know.

Thanks and Regards,
Hi All,

I am getting the following error while running the client code.
-------------------------------- Start -----------------------------
F:\Java\ejb\HF_EJB\projects\advice>javac -classpath {$CLASSPATH}:AdviceAppClient.jar package headfirst does not exist
import headfirst.*;
^ package javax.ejb does not exist
import javax.ejb.*;
^ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class AdviceHome
location: class AdviceClient
AdviceHome home = (AdviceHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(o,AdviceHome.class);
^ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class AdviceHome
location: class AdviceClient
AdviceHome home = (AdviceHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(o,AdviceHome.class);
^ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class AdviceHome
location: class AdviceClient
AdviceHome home = (AdviceHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(o,AdviceHome.class);
^ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class Advice
location: class AdviceClient
Advice advisor = home.create();
6 errors
------------------------------- End --------------------------------

I have the projects\advice\classes\headfirst directory structure.
and my AdviceAppClient.jar in the projects\advice directory.

I am not sure why it is not able to locate my headfirst package.
Please help me.

I have reinstalled the server and now working fine.

Hi All,

I am not able to select the menu items from the deployment tool menu.
For example File -> New -> Application

I am using J2sdkee 1.3.1 and J2sdk1.3.1_08

Thanks in advance
