Wilberto Montoya

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since Jun 04, 2004
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Recent posts by Wilberto Montoya

Also, if you can, review some open source code, i learn a lot of good open source code.
19 years ago
Thank you Ramesh, i goin to read about BPEL; a friend talk me about OpenWFE, looks good, and i believe have webservices support too. I going to try BPEL and OpenWFE. I working in a personal proyect to interconect 10 or more enterprises.

19 years ago
Someone have experience with a good WorkFlow FrameWork with WebServices? I'm looking for one.

Thank You

19 years ago
Hi Someone knows a good tutorial for develop WebServices in TomCat?

thank you

20 years ago
Yes! POJO's would be a good answer, (I think Hibernate's objects are POJO too). Even I was thinking Pojo and JAX-RPC Webservices, but there are another problem: Security. I need Data encription, and digital signing (public/private key) :-(. I not sure about this with Pojo and RPC, but I can do it with SOAP Message ;-).

Thank you.

Well the problem is "easy" I'm peruvian citizen and Internet is very slow in some places inside my country, I have one server in Lima (Peruvian's Capital) with Oracle 9i, in the past many internet solutions where desingned thinking in one big server in Lima but this solution didn't work fine (bandWidth problem).
Now I'm designing one "distributed" solution I still havien one Big server in Lima (database server) and many small servers (Web servers) in the others cities. I use Hibernate to mapping the records, serialize the objects to XML and send the information (by request) with WebServices to the small server the people "work" with Hibernate's objects and send back to the server ( webServices again). and update the Database.
That is te reason I need one very quick Api to serialize to/from XML.

Any Idea? thank You.

I'm looking for an API for serialize Hibernate Objects to/from XML. I tried HiperJAXB but is a little hard to understand for my. Now Im looking XStream works fine but now I have some doubts about Forgering-keys and CLOB Manage. (How I can do that?) Anyone have some experience with this Api or know another API?

thank you

Sorry I mean... WSAD 5.1.2 JSF are much better
20 years ago
Yes Masoud you can use Oracle ADF Faces components with another IDE, I'm working now with this controls and the Oracle's Blaf framework is not too bad but, they are too heavy and there aren't wysiwyg even in JDeveloper 10G (remember ADF Faces is an early access). I think the WSAD 5.2 JSF are much better.

20 years ago
I passed!!!

from LIMA - PERU!!

thank you

Wilberto Montoya Valencia
I'm searching for a good source for understand business componets for java (bc4j) part of (Oracle ADF) but i can't understand how i can use BC4J with EJB, the entity part looks like entity beans but the view part is a little confuse. Someone know about a good example.

thank you

I was reading about the new jdeveloper 10g, and i found interesting the UIX topic, about the use of xml to the client, what do you think? this solutions would be better than JSP?

thank you

I use ireport too is good, but don't use the last version (0.3.1) have some bugs in the wizards, use the version 0.3.0.


Someone knows a good reference to learn how to make wizards or plugins for Eclipse Framework or maybe Websphere?.

Thank you very much

Wilberto Montoya
I found many PlugIns for Eclipse 3.0 but I like to try these PlugIns with Websphere 5.1(Eclipse 2.3) SomeOne know if there are some way to "Upgrade" the Eclipse core in Websphere?

thank you.
