Shogo Ito

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since Jun 10, 2004
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As I score low on component diagram, yours looks absolutely amazing!


If a RuntimeException or its subclass including EJBException is thrown out of EJB class under CMT, the transaction will be automatically rolled back. If you catch it and re-throw it, a rollback will happen. If you catch it and throw something else, then you'll need to call setRollbackOnly() to make a rollback happen.

If you're throwing your application exception as a result of, say, SQLException, you got to call setRollbackOnly().

With BMT, you control.

How much detail to provide depends on your solution. In my case, I didn't show any filter in sequence diagram as it was not how I addressed the security issue. I did have VOs in sequence diagrams, but it may be just me. My advice is for anyone is to stick with your solution and style, and attach a note or document it under assumption as necessary.

Congrats and keep it up for Part-II
Ajith et al,

I passed SCEA last month and am moving on to SCDJWS. This week, I'm attending SD Expo in Santa Clara. Everyone is talking about WS/SOA/SOAP. It's amazing that for the first time ever major vendors are agreeing on a set of specifications. It's clear that J2EE architects will soon have to reasonably know .NET as well... You got to love a change in this industry to survive.


Originally posted by Prasad Kuppa:
Thanks Shogo Ito. So, you used the Prometric Id for the Part II. and not SSN. right? Is your jar file name similar to "SCEA-SR1234567" ?



Yes, Prometric ID for Part-I, II, and III. Filename like "scea-sp1234567.jar". I had it in lowercase as was in the instruction, but I didn't think it mattered anyway...
I live in the US and have SSN, but my Prometric ID is different from SSN. I got my Prometric ID long ago when I took my first Sun cert. exam.

I used my Prometric ID for purchasing a voucher, scheduling an exam, etc. I submitted SCEA Part-II last month using the ID as filename. No problem (and I passed ).

Good luck,
Part-III questions are not based on your submission. Questions are generic. Your answers should be based on your submission. If you did your assignment and know why you did it that way, there's no extra preparation needed. There're 4 questions. I took Part-III on 2/4, a day after uploading Part-II. The result was posted on 3/6.

Good luck,
Along huang,

Design Patterns in Java Reference and Example Site was useful when I was studying design patterns in general, but this wasn't specific to SCEA.

As many stated, Core J2EE Patterns is probably the most reliable source.


Originally posted by Rashmi Razdan:
Congrats! urs looks very simple assigment. its very diff to keep things simple.
just to help u in coming to conclusion abt componet dig
1) Did u provide clustering in Component dig?
As there are two webserves in requirement? do u think that may be the reason?
2) which tool did u use, was it able to geenrate componets as per UML notation.
what else cud have been..

1) JUDE Community Edition.
2) No clustering shown. I think clustering is a matter of deployment configuration that can be shown in a deployment diagram.
What a day I just came back from my dream vacation and found that the result was posted. Not exactly a great score at 84, but I say it's a passing score.

Class Diagram: 42
Component Diagram: 34
Sequence/Colloboration Diagrams: 8

I kept it minimal. 1 class diagram, 1 component, and 5 (2 for pay) sequence diagrams. ~10 assumptions were listed as a bullet list. Added a brief explanation to each diagram. That's about it. I don't know why I lost so much in component diagram.

Good luck to all of you in prep,
Shogo Ito
Congrats! Time to celebrate

When did you submit your assignment? Mine still says pending....
Do you know any good (ideally, free) XML tool besides XML Spy?

Professional XML is about 4 years old. Wrox site does not even show it. Is it still an appropriate book for the certification?

Took the Part-III just now. As being said, it's a piece of cake if you prepared the Part-II yourself. Just know how and why you designed as you did.

Good luck,