phenix java

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since Jun 20, 2004
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Recent posts by phenix java

I just managed to install weblogic on the windows server 2003 OS. Ever since I installed this, the server has become slow, maybe memory settings of weblogic,

Would anybody please help we figure out how I can lower this so that it does not interfere with other work.

Thank you & Regard
17 years ago
In the Filter.I call BasicService of JNLP as below

BasicService bs = (BasicService)ServiceManager.lookup("javax.jnlp.BasicService");

When I had deployed *.War.I got Error message as below.

18:39:52,781 ERROR [STDERR] javax.jnlp.UnavailableServiceException: uninitialized
18:39:52,781 ERROR [STDERR] at javax.jnlp.ServiceManager.lookup(

would you please kindly help me about this case
18 years ago
from url
I have suspect what is config file to set

To use this, specify the following system properties:

*org.jboss.logging.Logger.pluginClass = logging.JDK14LoggerPlugin to specify the custom JDK1.4 plugin.
*java.util.logging.config.file = to specify the JDK1.4 logging configuration file.

And if I have Logger java file that extend from Logger.How do I can set?

would you explain me on detail this case

18 years ago
I have running a sample webservice over apache axis on a window platform.

java -cp .;%AXISCLASSPATH% samples.stock.GetQuote -lhttp://localhost:8080/axis/servlet/AxisServlet -uuser1 -wpass1 XXX

I had get error exception message. Can somebody plz tell me where I am going wrong? Are there some environment setup issues? Thank a lot for advance.

faultCode: {}HTTP
faultDetail:{} return code: 401...........................................................


Best Regards
19 years ago
Umm.. Nobody to ask me this issue.
Ok! I did pass this issue.But I have found 2 new Error Page after Run Project Success currently

Case 1 java.rmi.ServerException: JAXRPCSERVLET28: Missing port information

Case 2 no serializer is register for

Please advice me to solve this issue.

19 years ago
I have just begin on webservice.So I try do step by step of Netbeans4.1

When I do its until last step to Run Project menu.I get Error dialog as


would you please advice me to solve this issue.


19 years ago
Question From Jdiscuss

Which of the following are true regarding the implementation of an Message Driven Bean? Select 3 correct options

A The class must have, directly or indirectly, a non abstract onMessage method.
B It cannot implement ejbRemove method.
C It may implement finalize() method.
D It must implement setMessageDrivenContext() method.
E It may implement overloaded ejbCreate() methods.

Answer of ADE
From Jpilot

Which of the following are requirements for a message-driven bean. Select all 4 correct Choices.

A.It implements the MessageListener and MessageDrivenBean interfaces.
B.It implements one or more ejbCreate methods.
C.It implements one onMessageReceived method.
D.It must not define the finalize method.
E.It implements one ejbRemove method.
F.It must not have a remote or local interface.


From 2 Question. I very suspect about overload of ejbCreate method on MBD Which it can be or can't?

Would someone please advice explain this issue on truely detail.

Thank you so much
I just found this problem.But I confuse about those answer.

Which is the true about the client's view of exception received from an ejb?

A) Receiving an application exception communicates to the client that the bean will no longer be accessible
B) The client of a CMT bean can determine if the transaction has been roll back by calling the getStatus() method of the java.transaction.UserTransaction interface
C) If the client receives an EJBException,the client must discontinue the transaction.
D)If the client receives the java.rmi.RemoteException exception, the client will not typically know whether the method has completed.

When the first I read this question.I thought answer of this question is C.
But I already read all answer.I confuse between C and D.

Would someone please explain reason to choose C or D is correct

Thank you for kindness
From Page 497 EJB Transaction
2.Which transaction attribute (or attribute) must NOT be used by a message - driven bean?
ANSWER : Mandatory,RequireNew,Support,Never
I suspect how to get those answers. Would you please expain me on detail these answers.

4.Of the six transaction attribute,three of them can be dangerous,with one in particular being EXTREMELY risky. Keeping in mind that the Bean Provider is NOT the one who specifiers the attributes of the bean's methods,which of the six is potentially the most dangerous?
ANSWER:Mandatory & NotSupport are dangerous,Because they throw exceptions,But Support is the riskiest,....because it means at runtime you don't know whether it will run in a transaction or Not
I suspect why this answer is Mandatory & Never.Would you please expain me on detail about Support is riskeist,Why isn't NotSupport Or Never?

Thank a lot for kindly your advice!!!
From Q3 HFEJB Page 425
When a remote client invokes a method on an entity bean using container-managed persistence, and that bean has already beean removed ,what exception will be thrown?
ans java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException

As case.If local client called method ? what exception will be thrown?

would you please advice me
Thank a lot for your kindly advice
congrat!!! Krub

please tell me.How you prepare for SCBCD .

I preparing this exam..I received HFEJB Book.But I think what may not enough for me preparing.cause I want take score more than 92%.

please kindly advice...
20 years ago
Congrat.What next?
20 years ago
you must import AccessCountBean to jsp too
<%@page import = "AccessCountBean"%>