From Page 497 EJB Transaction
2.Which transaction attribute (or attribute) must NOT be used by a message - driven bean?
ANSWER : Mandatory,RequireNew,Support,Never
I suspect how to get those answers. Would you please expain me on detail these answers.
4.Of the six transaction attribute,three of them can be dangerous,with one in particular being EXTREMELY risky. Keeping in mind that the Bean Provider is NOT the one who specifiers the attributes of the bean's methods,which of the six is potentially the most dangerous?
ANSWER:Mandatory & NotSupport are dangerous,Because they throw exceptions,But Support is the riskiest,....because it means at runtime you don't know whether it will run in a transaction or Not
I suspect why this answer is Mandatory & Never.Would you please expain me on detail about Support is riskeist,Why isn't NotSupport Or Never?
Thank a lot for kindly your advice!!!