Okay, I'm going to be a jerk here for a minute, but only because I'm getting frustrated.
I've taken some time off from programming (used to to EJB 1 stuff back before the bubble burst), and I decided to get back into the game and "brush up" on EJB by getting this cert. I certainly know more now than I did even back when I was working with it, but going through the HFEJB section on CMP entity beans has finally lead me to ask myself this question:
Was the EJB team on crack when they came up with this stuff???
There's a lot of good to it, I know. But it seems as if they've created a lot of non-sensical arcane rules that need to be remembered in place of low-level programmatic "complexity."
My gripes du jour:
* regarding container callbacks: I thought it was generally understood that if you had two methods that behaved differently and produced different results, you didn't name them the same frickin' thing. They're not the same! They're not even overloaded! They're
different! * CMP creates: home interface returns component interface, bean class ejbCreate DECLARES pk object return but RETURNS null, and ejbPostCreate returns void. I understand why, but...
why? There are plenty more, but I don't want to spend all night whining. It's just that I've had to make up so many charts to keep the multitude of these little details straight that it makes me want to give up and go study something that makes sense to me as a programmer.
(sigh) But I won't.
And now I have to get back to studying.