Daniel Rhoades

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Personally I'd deal with the property as a boolean in the bean and depending on your persistence mechanism do the conversion from Java boolean to SQL TINYINT when persisting/updating in your DAO/persistence classes.
17 years ago
How about:

template.xhtml (partial):

17 years ago
Create a custom converter for your Employee class then register it against the select item list:



Your converter class implements javax.faces.convert.Converter which has two methods:

In getAsString just cast "value" as "Employee" return employeeId from the object.

In getAsObject assume "newValue" is the employeeId and look it up in the database/persistence mechanism or however you want.

Using a converter in this way will get the Employee into assignEmployee.

Change the way you create select items to get the Employee name:

[ May 16, 2007: Message edited by: Daniel Rhoades ]
17 years ago
You probably need to create a normal TLD in additional to the Facelets taglib file, IDE's aren't that facelets friendly!
17 years ago
In my opinion...

1) Yes, but generally a bad idea - use a session bean facade to encapsulate access to the entity bean.

2) Dependant on the locking mechanism used by the container -> database. If you are using a facade the container will only let one thread be in a session bean method at any one time (assuming both are calling the bean from the same remote reference).
${pageContext.request.contextPath} should do the trick in a non-facelets application
17 years ago
I learned JSF via "Core JavaServer Faces" it got me where I am today! It doesn't cover JSF 1.2 though being published in 2004.
17 years ago
For JEE 1.4 apps in JBoss 4.x I use the following JARs for Facelets 1.1.11:


Also I've got commons-codec-1.3.jar in there for some reason - don't think its needed though. I think JBoss uses a Tomcat 5.5 container and I'm using the standard myfaces libraries that come with JBoss.

For JEE5 apps in SJAS 9.01 I just use jsf-facelets.jar.

If you Tomcat 5.5 doesn't come with a JSF implementation grab the latest one from myfaces.apache.org as I think the JSF jars in the facelets dist are broken.
17 years ago
immediate="true" should bypass the validation phase, adding AJAX support to your JSF application sounds cool - but that might add more complexity than you actually need.
17 years ago
Try just creating a standard JSF application using your container's JSF libraries (so you don't need to package any in your app), which server are you using - JBoss 4.05?
17 years ago
Ok, sorry I was talking about EJB 3.0

In EJB 2.x transaction management can be done with entity beans and sessions for different reasons, but since you're not using persistance I won't go into detail (though session bean transaction management is not limited to entity beans).

You make a remote call to an EJB over RMI and yes what ever you send back gets serialised in the call-back - but a DTO holds a copy of all the data, so subsequent calls to get individual properties just access the DTO in memory on the client rather than being RMI calls, for example:

User user = myBean.registerUser(email);


Any method calls on the user object have no remote overhead, the data (the serialised user object) is already with the client at that point.

I don't think performance would vary greatly puting 60Mb of data into a DTO and sending via an EJB callback or some other remote object serialisation method.

There are several other ways you could get the data back to the client without serialisation - an IO stream perhaps?
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17 years ago
Um... I've heard 12" is a good size...
17 years ago
Did you try an onchange="submit()" with an immediate="true" on the selectOneRadio, the form does actually need to submit back to the server to process the valueChangeListener
17 years ago