Sunil Manheri

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since Jul 07, 2004
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Recent posts by Sunil Manheri

Good to know your issue has been resolved. If you remove the update tag, Java WebStart will use the default value "timeout" for updates, means while starting your application WebStart will check for updates, if there are updates the latest files will be downloaded and launched. Value "background" will check for updates in the background, the program launch will not be interrupted. If there are updates, We Start will keep a note of this, the next time you start your application the latest files will be downloaded.
13 years ago
Under resources tag you need to set the version attribute:

13 years ago
By default Java Web Start checks for updates before launching the application. There is a new element added in Java 6 named <update> where you can control the update check, with the following values:

  • timeout
  • always
  • background

  • In your case you can set the value as background as shown below, where the application will be launched immediately but the update check will happen in the background.

    <update check="background"/>

    Check this link for a sample JNLP file: Distribute your Swing application via Java Web Start
    13 years ago
    What are the disadvantages of DynaValidatorForm?
    19 years ago
    What are the disadvantages of DynaValidatorForm?
    19 years ago
    Hi all,
    I am using NTLM authentication, once it fails, form based authentication comes in role. THe problem I am facing is that once the NTLM authentication fails, I am not getting any parameters from the request.

    Anything wrong with me?
    19 years ago
    Hi all,
    is it possible to set auto filter using POI in excel sheet?

    Target features for Struts 2.x include:

    Comprehensive unit test coverage for all core features
    Enhanced support for using Struts in large team environments.
    Transparent support for a portlet environment (JSR 168), with minimal-to-no changes in your business logic and pages.
    Direct support for JSTL/JSF taglibs and the JSF API
    Enhanced support for other presentation layers, such as XLST
    Enhanced support for scriptable Actions, using technologies like BSF or Jelly
    Refactoring for new technologies available on the Servlet 2.4/ JSP 2.0 platform

    So, we are going to get more powerful version of Struts, thanx Apache...
    19 years ago
    Is Shale copying ASP.NET architecture? Is it going to replace JSF?
    19 years ago
    Also you can do like this fron your Action class:
    19 years ago
    HI Mary,
    U repeated the same
    Hi Somkiat,
    Thanx for the reply. Thats right, but I have to use this font in each new cell I am creating. My question is, is it possible to set a font as default so that no need of setting it to each cell, like setting default column width:

    [ November 04, 2004: Message edited by: Sunil Manheri ]

    No, its working fine... I still have it as isPropertyName() only in my form class(one that extends ActionForm)

    Then what was wrong?

    About the Java bean specification: Struts best practice of coding is making all the form properties as String. So the methods becomes get and set. It does not meant not allowed to use other data types.
    [ November 03, 2004: Message edited by: Sunil Manheri ]
    19 years ago