Ramakrishna Raju

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since Jul 15, 2004
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Recent posts by Ramakrishna Raju

Thank You for the response.
The tutorial on spring framework website is quite old I think. But I would try to buy the books.

Can some one direct me to good Spring framework and Hybernate tutorials.
And also , can suggeest good books on both of those technologies.

Appreciate your replies

Hi Dirk,
In Servlet 2.2, we dont have wrapper classes also.
So, you want me right my own wrapper class?

20 years ago
Hello Scott,
Thanks so much for taking paing to explain me. But unfortunately, we are using servlets 2.2 and hence filters are of no use :-(

I have a feeling that I should use URLConnector but not quite sure how to make use of it.

Thanks anyway..

20 years ago
Sorry I could not understand fully. Would you please eloborate if you dont mind.

20 years ago
Yeah..but I need to add it to Request, not to Response.

The thing is that... some class in third party jar is reading the headers from the request. So, I need to manipulate somehow to set the values in the request header before I send it to the third party jar.
20 years ago
Hi all,
I have a peculiar problem. I need to set headers in the servlet request.

We can get the headers from the request by using
getIntHeader(java.lang.String name) method in HttpServletRequest interface.

But, the question is how to set the headers. For example, I want to set a header of a key-value pair (eg: myname , raju) in request.
Would any one can help me how to do that.

Thanks ,
20 years ago