Srilakshmi Vara

Ranch Hand
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since Jul 21, 2004
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Recent posts by Srilakshmi Vara

I like Gas Range... You can cook at exact right temperature, that adds lots of taste to the food...
13 years ago
Here we had glimpse of warm temp and now its cloudy and spring temps.
13 years ago
Today is Earth Day. So do you have any resolution to do something to mother earth.
13 years ago
Pie Day !!! I don't know about that, Now i get more ideas how about Pizza Day ???
13 years ago
Error is clearly saying that Driver jar is missing. Try to put Oracle driver library in lib and try again.
13 years ago
Yes you need to maintain the order

First Action Form then Action Mapping, because you refer the form name in the action mapping.
16 years ago
In your query your are checking

name = null or name = passed value

in oracle name = null is different from name is null.

Change your code accordingly.

If you are not sure of number of columns, you cannot create a collection of objects becuase the object need to be changed every time a DB change occurs, instead you can store them as ArrayList of ArrayList. But this works only if you are not applying any logic to the data.


1. One of the basic components(Action, ActionForm) declaration in struts-config file is missing.
2. Make sure thar .do name is same in jsp and struts-config file.


1. check action form entry.
2. check action mapping tag.
3. check .do path in your jsp file

16 years ago
<logic:iterate collection="employeeList" id="emp" type="com.risl.beans.Employee">

Above need to be changed, it is wrong. If your collection is form variable you need to give like this

<logic:iterate id="var" name="formName" property="formProperty" type="">

16 years ago
Implementing Singleton Pattern in distributed environment has the following issues to address.

1. Ensures Single object per JVM. If you have multiple JVMs need to address it programmatically.
2. Implement Doouble checked locking in your program.
Post your related code. It is very simple
16 years ago
This error comes when one of the primary files are missing in struts action. Check did you declared the form, which is used in the action.

Check all the files are there or not which are getting used in the action tag.
16 years ago
To start with

This is a very good link to start with.
16 years ago