torsti koistinen

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since Jul 29, 2004
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Recent posts by torsti koistinen

Here is my problem, in my Java applet i got this textfield(txtNormalHours) and button(xml).
When I press this button program should create file foo.xml, but nothing happens, no errors.
Here is the funny part without that button code works fine and foo.xml is cr
19 years ago
I have created project management software with Java and MySql and it works fine.
This applet gets and writes information directly to MySql database.

Problem is that those sqlClauses below(update and insert) should go "through" xml "document" and i haven�t got idea how to do that.
If someone could give me advices or even tell me how I must modify my code I would be very grateful.

My english is not so good, so my problem sentence could be little hard to understand, but please try. If it�s too hard to understand please tell me even how can i save results of those clauses to xml "document". (soap?)

Here is part of main program:

And here is database connection class which i have created:

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[ August 09, 2004: Message edited by: Jeanne Boyarsky ]
If only someone could help

All code(s) below gives me a current date,
but I also need to get tomorrows and yesterdays dates.

I think I can�t use simpledateformat because I need to import import java.sql.*;

So if anyone can tell me how to modify some of the codes below, It would be great. All I need is that I get forexample this yesterdays or tomorrows date with the
"codes" below:

these are the codes what I have try to use without success



19 years ago
First, I am sorry about my broken English.
I have created simple project manager software with MySql and Java and I got this little problem.

my problem: : java.sql.SQLException: No row count was produced
-so there is something wrong in my code, but I can�t find out what is wrong
If I do those sql-clauses without switch they work.

This is what i am trying to do: Sql-clause should check is there this days(2004-07-29) field in database if there is sql-clause should only update hours(user given) of the day, but if there is not this days field sql-clause should create it. That�s why I need switch.

I have tried to resolve this problem days.
If someone could please help me