Omar Palomino Sandoval

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since Jul 29, 2004
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Recent posts by Omar Palomino Sandoval

Thanks for the congrats, I also forgot to mention that Saloon forum it's also a great resource.
15 years ago
084 it's an upgrade version, 083 it's the exam if you are going to take the certification for the first time.
15 years ago
I would expect a better grade but it's ok.
I certificated on December 1th, but just now I was able to post my grade because of the holidays.
Head First Servlets and JSPs 2nd Ed. is a must.
15 years ago
SCJP by itself guarantees only that you have good knowledge of the java programing language, it could helps you for looking to enforce a career path. But if you want to compensate certification over work experience you should go for a specialty level.
I recomend to go for SCWCD and don't overlook SCJD, it's more than just Swing, it's a *Developer* certification. ;)
15 years ago
It's a very interesting article that promotes delegation of object life-cycle management. Right now, in my project we are implementing some agile methodologies that includes TDD. [It's an spring + hibernate app]

I think mock objects for testing isolated layers would be useful, the only tradeoff that I see is the use of MockObjectTestCase class through inheritance.

I think we will follow a more decoupled approach, fortunately in the jmock's geeting started site, there are plenty of examples to accomplish this by favoring composition [desing principle: favor composition over inheritance] or even by using annotations.
[ April 14, 2008: Message edited by: Omar Palomino Sandoval ]
16 years ago
I've tried to run Tomcat in headless mode by modifying the script but i've got the same Exception and I have no idea of how to: first, install Xvfb and second, set the correct mode to make JR to show my reports. Can anybody give a hand please? The server is a Fedora 3, Java 1.4 y Tomcat 5.0

Thanks in advance

ps. Sorry, I'm a newbie on Linux Servers. :$
19 years ago
Hi everybody, can anyone suggest me about a good ajax framework to start working with? Someone that has some good advance widgets to work with. Thanks in advance.
Is there any official book provided by Sun for this certification? If so, I wonder to know about your opinion about it.
I'm just started to prepared the SCWCD cert and I want to know about how good is the *others* options like whizlabs,, etc. against the Sun official preparations guides? I think that your experience could help me in take the right decition.
I everybody, the new version for the cert examn of SCJP was released and now I don't know what to do: On one side I've been preparing my examn for some time and on the other I want a cert that gives more value as a Java Developer.

I have three options:
1. Take SCJP 1.4
2. Take SCJP 1.5
3. Take SCJP 1.4 and then upgrade to 1.5

What would be you recommendations? Thanks in advance.
You could use myEclipse plugin [myEclipse]. It's not a free one but you have all the j2ee tools and lots of guides and tutorials. [for using differentes App Servers as JBoss, WebSphere, Tomcat, Orion, etc... and of course WebLogic]