SrinivasanRG Gopal

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since Aug 05, 2004
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I am using JBOSS. I have an application which reads an xml and associated XSL file and uses a third party excel file maker(java component). The excel file maker creates excel file using xml and xsl.

The excel file generated, will be available for user download.

All work perfectly for small xml and xsl files. However when >= 600K XSL file is required, am getting a 500 Internal server error where nothing is printed in the server logs.

Problem is it works neat in local machine / network.

Can anybody help?
18 years ago
I have a swing application, in which I have a title bar. In this application, when I do any lengthier operation, lets say, fetch some records based on a complex criteria, I want my status bar to say "Processing Request" and should refresh to "Processing completed." when the page gets painted again.

Right now, though I have 2 messages, I seeing the final message alone, only after the operation gets completed. Till such time, I only see the background of the application itself.
I tried implementing a JTextField to have the status bar text, but the same result. Can you tell me how I can do it?
[ September 30, 2004: Message edited by: SrinivasanRG Gopal ]
20 years ago
My choice is (C) Oh! Guy.
Here is my reason.
"Head First " approach deals with more of a, "can't we think it this way and see everything fits?" kind of an approach.
Design Patterns are quite common in 1 thing. When we start with a solution, and refer a book, we will say, "Wow! This is the mediator pattern!"
Also, for most of the first timers, there will be realization and learning than the other way around. hence.
20 years ago
When we give method level security, how does the EJB container
know whether to block / allow execution of method at runtime?
And how do realms work?
Use the useBean tag in your JSP (For oading Java classes).
First, write a method in your Java program ( to return the results (can be any array / object / any valid Java data type) instead of doing it in the main().

Next, in the JSP program, give the useBean tag as such.
The useBean tag is like this.

<jsp:useBean id="fff" name="yourJavaBeanNameWithFullPackageStructure" scope="page"/>

The id is the identifier by which you can access the bean in the JSP page.

Suppose the method is getResults() and returns a String Array,
in your JSP, you will code as :

String[] results = fff.getResults();

Hope it helps
20 years ago