Ray Yu

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since Aug 13, 2004
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Recent posts by Ray Yu

After I saw the previous post, I solve the problem.
Thanks Nicholas
Hi all JavaRanch Professional:

I have a question on HFEJB again , please help.
When I see the P60, Mock Exam answer, that have a wording (spec:30) on question 1, right hand side.
And also have (spec: 25_26) on question 3, right hand side!

But when I see my spec (j2ee1.3 spec) page 25,26,30.
I can find this...
What's going on?

My spec is j2ee-1_3-fr-spec.pdf download from java.sun.com

Please help.....
Hi all JavaRanch Professional

Sorry, I have typo in the above message

The command I use to compile is
"javac -classpath c:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\j2ee.jar;AdviceAppClient.jar AdviceClient.java"

The command I use to run the class file is
"java -cp c:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\j2ee.jar;AdviceAppClient.jar AdviceClient"

The error of NoClassDefFoundError is show, please help me....
Hi all JavaRanch professional:

I have a problem in running the book example code in HFEJB P57, P58.
When I do all the things in application deployment tool(RI).
Then I compile the code and run the class file

I use WinXP and install J2SDK1.4.01, J2EE1.3 to run the code.
I follow the book deploy step to deploy the code
I use the follow command to compile the code (that ok, No warning or error)-
"javac -classpath c:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib/j2eejar;AdviceAppClient.jar AdviceClient.java"

Then I use the follow command to run the class file
"java -cp c:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib/j2eejar;AdviceAppClient.jar AdviceClient"
The problem occurs, It show!
"Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: AdviceClient"

What 's going on!

Please Help Me..........
Hi all:

Today, I pass SCWCD(310-080)
I use SCWCD Exam Study Kit plus one Chinese (Taiwan - 認證專家應考指南
book to prepare this exam.
Thank for the book author(Hanumant Deshmukh, Jignesh Malavia, Rich Ho) to teach me so much.
And also Thank you for all Java professional here.

JavaRanch is a REALLY, REALLY a good place!
19 years ago
Hi Kathy, Brian, Bryan thank you very much
Hi all Java professional:

I want to ans a question, who can help me?
When I start to prepare SCWCD, I only get SCWCD 1.3 material on hand.
(Due to HFS is not release). So I can only read the book of SCWCD1.3.
Now I finish my book reading. And I go to revision state (Hard memory all API and then do mock exam). But I think it need to take about 1 month to 2 month.
Hey, Is that any one know SCWCD1.3(310-080), when will stop their exam to public? And when will all SCWCD1.3(310-080) face out and change to SCWCD1.4(310-081).

I afraid when I finish the prepare then the SCWCD1.3(310-080) is face out and can't get me to exam. Because I need a SCWCD certificate for my job purpose.....

Sorry for my poor English.....
Hong Kong is also good!
I preorder and give HK$160 to HK local Store at July!
But they tell me the book will only arrive at the end of October, may also be delay to Novemeber! Good Jobs!

They only say Oreilly no give book to them.....
They only tell all problem is due to Oreilly.....

I only want to say! to this bookstore
How can buy, now many online bookstore is still show their status is "Out-of-Stock"
I think in Asia Pacific country(China, Taiwan, Singapore, HK....etc) will sell HFS as fast as November 2004 in local book store!
So I think at that time, we only buy book and go to have SCWCD1.3 exam!
Then after HFS release, we will need to take upgrade exam (310-082).....

Get the certificate on hand is better than JUST WAITING!
GO to take SCWCD1.3(310-080) then go the take SCWCD1.4(310-082)upgrade!
Hi Kathy:

Do you know how long HFS will shipping to Hong Kong book store?
I pre-order (pre pay HK$160 <US$20> to the book store.
And I also tell them to use fast post to get the book (Need extra pay US$25).
But they only tell me all action need Oreally start to sell the book!
If Oreally don't offer fast post, we need wait about 1 month to buy the book!
I think all computer book store can close as soon as possible!
Their selling schedule is so slow as compare to oversea online bookstore!
Hi Barbara:

Are you live in US,
Configuration, you can see the HFS book now!

But I live in Asia Pacific country, So I need wait for min one month until the book arrive to my local book store!

Before I order the Sierra, Bates SCJP book, the bookstore totally need wait me about 3 month! Then the book arrive! At the waiting period, they still told me to give up to order this book! They say the book is printed out ...etc!

So I think preorder in internet book store is better than buy the book in my side local bookstore!