I'm writing an application where the end user will create a "application/configuration" on top of my app. Basically it is an MVC model where I am providing the model and controller as a vanilla 'product' whilst the view (html) would be the configurable bit.
My problem is that the form/session beans should be configurable as part of the view layer and the model requires a configuration file. I'm planning to have the init() method of a model servlet pull in the configuration file from the .war file but I don't know how to design a controller that can recieve slightly different beans (ie those configured for the view). Also the models configuration file will contain some clues as to the beans structure (if this helps).
Is there a pattern for this or am I taking the completely wrong approach? If this is a product should I worry about MVC? Also, I'm planning on tying this all together with struts - is this wise?
Thanks in advance,