This week's book giveaway is in the Agile and Other Processes forum.
We're giving away four copies of DevSecOps Adventures: A Game-Changing Approach with Chocolate, LEGO, and Coaching Games and have Dana Pylayeva on-line!
See this thread for details.

Pol Appan

Ranch Hand
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since Aug 26, 2004
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Recent posts by Pol Appan

I have an issue with two selecOneMenu in my jsf page.

I have the following code where when I change value in first selectOneMenu, valuechangelistener fires and loads values in second selectOneMenu.

When I change a value in second selectOneMenu, its valuechangeListener is supposed to fire and populate values in other inputText. However when I change a value in second selectOneMenu, it's valuechangelistener is not firing. What could be the reason for this behavior?

My JSF version is 1.1 and page scope is request.

Any help is highly appreciable


13 years ago

String bn = "myString";

I did like this

In prepareSession I called as, bn is showing as myString.

My question how to call bn is prepareSession method. I would lik to use bn in prepareSession method.
17 years ago

I have a method like this

I have another method

How can I recieve value of first method loadUser in my second method?
I do not want to add another parameter to prepareSession method because it is over riding.

How can I achieve this?

17 years ago

I would like to know how is Oracle's Application Development Framework?

How is it when compared to other frameworks in J2EE?
What are the advantages and disadvantages when compared to other J2EE frameworks?

Any comments on this is highly appreciable.


I am looking for a free obfuscators for java.

Any help is highly appreciable.

17 years ago
Could you kindly provide an example?

18 years ago

I need to extract only the time from the below string

I have highlighted in bold the time.

Another question, how can I convert the above string to timestamp?

18 years ago

I need to get string from a string
This is my string
Development - 123
Support- 456

I need to get the last numbers from the string, like 123, 456 etc.

How can I acheive this?

18 years ago

I would like to have some clarification. JMS is an API for messaging if I am not mistaken.
In the tutorial it is mentioned about many features.

Can some one tell me how does it differ in terms of alert or messaging
Eg: I can have a db trigger to check my quantity level and fire an email using java mail api to inventory dept. Why do I need JMS and what is the advantage?

My questions may sound stupid, however i would like to know the advantages of JMS.

18 years ago

When I retreive values from database, I store it in string variables.

Is there any advantage in storing in vector? Will it improve the perfomance of my java code?

18 years ago

Could you kindly provide some insight into how to connect to a folder in the exchange?
18 years ago

I only require to read a folder which contains emails being filtered by the mail administrator.
18 years ago

Is it possible using any Java API to access a exchangefolder and read the emails, fetch the contents and store it in Oracle database?

18 years ago
I would like to be part of the certification group.
Kindly add me to the group.


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