Mike Troxclaire

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since Sep 01, 2004
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Recent posts by Mike Troxclaire

Hello Gurus,

I am trying to build a JSP page with two drop down lists. The values in the second drop down list should be loaded from the database based on the value selected in the first drop down list. I have two tables 1st one is Customers and in that I have fields : ItemId and CustomerId, my second table is Items and in that I have fields : ItemId and Itemname. So, in my first drop down list I need the values from ItemId in the Customers table to be loaded when the user first accesses the page and when an ItemId is selected in the first drop down list it should pull the Itemname(s) from the Items table and populate the second drop down list. Hope that makes sense. Any help in this matter would be much appreciated.


19 years ago
Hello Gurus,

I am coding an application which needs to insert/update members in a physical file on the AS/400. By using simple SQL I am able to update the physical file but I was not successful in updating the member file. I am using type 4 JDBC driver(if that matters). I would really appreciate it if any one has any input on this problem.


Hello Gurus,

I am having a problem with this...please feel free to throw some light and all your input will be much appreciated.

I want a servlet to generate a MS Excel spreadsheet with formatted cells and the user/client should be able to download that spreadsheet and then make modifications to the spreadsheet and load up the spreadsheet data by clicking on another link so that the spreadsheet data is uploaded into my DB2 database. The basic goal here is to restrict the user from entering invalid data into the spreadsheet. I have written applications where I could load up the spreadsheet into DB2 but I had to make sure all the data in the spreadsheet is valid. Any suggestions will be much appreciated.


20 years ago
Hey Junilu,

Is RPG that bad to learn? I just want to learn it so that I do not have to depend on others to code RPG apps and not understand what they are trying to do!!. I understand that RPG is a "minicomputer" language but it cant be that bad...

[ September 03, 2004: Message edited by: Mike Troxclaire ]
20 years ago
Hey James,

Thanks a bunch for all your help. These links will surely get me started. I hope:-). Thanks again.

20 years ago
Hello Eric,

Try to delete the < & > from your From: part. See if that works.

20 years ago
Hi James,

I have another question for you if you do not mind. I am a Java programmer and have very little knowledge about RPG ILE or RPG III. I want to learn RPG ILE or RPGLE as they call it. Are there any good websites that you can recommend for starters. Any good books that you can recommend? This information would be extremely helpful. Thanks in advance.
20 years ago
I am trying to set the "Sent:" attribute in my message but I am not able to. The message goes out fine to the recipients but the time displayed on the email message is off by an hour. I am in Central Zone and I want the time in the email message to appear according to my time zone. Any ideas as to how this could be done? I tried using

message.println("Sent:" + new Date()); but did not get any success. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks a lot in advance.
20 years ago
Thanks a lot James. I will look into the tutorials. I appreciate your help.
20 years ago
I am having a problem along the same grounds with the display of time in the email message. Everything works fine but the "Sent:" time is in a different zone and I have tried to set the time to the system time and also with new Date() but no success. Does anybody have an idea as to how do I force the sent time in the email message? Thanks in advance.
20 years ago
I am trying to call RPG applications from Java but have never done it before. Does anybody know if any good links or tutorials to do such stuff. Thanks in advance.
20 years ago