Abhi Yadav

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since Sep 09, 2004
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Recent posts by Abhi Yadav

Hi all
i m getting this output while trying to run junit from ant script

Although it is generating the Test files by javac yet itself is unable to find them.

anybody out there to tell me what is wrong??
20 years ago
Has any body over there ever sent a mail from behind the proxy using the java API, i am fed up with trying different permutations and combinations,

pls send the code, that u hv already tested for work
Thanks a lot

20 years ago
sorry guys ,
was a bit busy but can give an xplanation now

I was actually using on OR framework (provided by client).
I need to keep track of the changes that are made to the records inside a table (we refer them as business objects)

i thought that it will be a save of memory to keep a single instance of listener common
across all sorts of BO's
but that design has got a lot of loop holes, so i am reviewing it all together ,
will update u guys very soon,
be ready with suggestions.
20 years ago

i m using an abstract class inside which i have defined a private static member, i want to be sure that all of the subclasses xtending my abstract class should share the same copy of that member variable.

can defining the member as static solve my purpose.
20 years ago
U can refer a java API for scheduling the jobs
check this link
20 years ago
Hi all

There is always a confusion , to decide whether to keep a method static or not, i know that static methods don't pertain to a specific object,and U can call them, using Class name. But i want to get a practical aspect of difference.
Thanks in advance