Ronald Aguilar

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since Sep 14, 2004
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this is a good site for online examples of JSF implementations:
17 years ago
why don't you try tomahawk <t:inputCalendar />
17 years ago
JSF can do the data scroller by using the dataScroller, and the use this comparator for sorting and pass back the list to dataScroller.

Comparator comparator = new Comparator()
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
Account e1 = (Account)o1;
Account e2 = (Account)o2;
if (column == null )
return 0;
if (column.equals("AccountID"))
if (e1.getIdAcct() == null){
return 1;
} else if (e2.getIdAcct() == null){
return 0;
return isAscending() ? e1.getIdAcct().compareTo(e2.getIdAcct()):e2.getIdAcct().compareTo(e1.getIdAcct());
17 years ago
I have the same problme that I resolve by looking at the log.debug obj.editable and observe how it changes value to true and false depending on the alogrothym of the codes.
17 years ago
did you ever update this formaccessorbean.formURL value?
17 years ago
you can use <f:param name="idAcct" value="#{data.idAcct}" />
17 years ago
u can use this:

------------------------------------------------"return confirmationSave()"


<script type="text/javascript">

function confirmationSave() {

var answer = confirm("Confirm Save")

if (answer == true){
return true;
return false;

17 years ago
you can still used the standard foward and redirect
17 years ago
to be honest, you need to work on your data structure. do you need all those tables? could you simplified it?
17 years ago
use the styleClass to manipulate the fonts, colors and alignment by defining them in the css file.
17 years ago
try a JSF dataScroller. it will take you 5 minute to implement.
17 years ago
try AJAX
17 years ago
I had interview this afternoon. I am bit confuse about how to answer this immutablabe object. Since String object is immutable, can the garbabe collection clean up String objects? The intervier said that String objects are garbage collected. I am bit confuse how to explain this?

Four years ago, with few months experience you can command large of salary, but that was the era when the deveopers are scarse. Recently, I heard manytimes that some developers in some company are consider as an overhead. The key is really what type of job or business are you supporting. For example, if you are a programmer who works for a big financial company, you can command a high salary because your works bring money to the company, but if you land in a job that maintains a website .. hmmmm... you can be only look at just like a regular employee with a regular pay.
19 years ago
I think the problem is not just any form of descrimination, but I think that some company are very picky recently when the developers are a dime in dozen. In my previous company, it will take months of interviews until they hire a developer. When we hired 2 developer, they both answered ALL the question correctly and impressed majority of the interviers.
19 years ago