Madhur Baheti

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since Sep 18, 2004
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Recent posts by Madhur Baheti

Hi,I am having trouble setting the classpath for my Driver class. I have a simple database program that registers a driver class org.postgresql.Driver in the function - Class.forname().The class file is defined in a jar file pgdev.307.jdbc3.jar, which is in the directory c:\postgre.
On Extracting the jar file, I get the following directory structure:

I have tried to set the classpath as:
set classpath=C:\postgre\pgdev.307.jdbc3.jar
but on running the program, I get :
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException rg.postgresql.Driver

Can someone please help me with the problem.

[edited to disable smilies]
[ November 02, 2004: Message edited by: Jeanne Boyarsky ]
Hi.Using a component's graphics context, you usually draw shapes on the component. How can i draw to an image. Suppose i want to draw a circle.But rather than displaying it on a window, I want it to be drawn as a gif image with a white background, how can i do that? The image does not exist and I want to create it from scratch.
Thank You.
19 years ago
Hi.Using a component's graphics context, you usually draw shapes on the component. How can i draw to an image. Suppose i want to draw a circle.But rather than displaying it on a window, I want it to be drawn as a gif image with a white background, how can i do that? The image does not exist and I want to create it from scratch.
Thank You.
19 years ago
Hi.Using a component's graphics context, you usually draw shapes on the component. How can i draw to an image. Suppose i want to draw a circle.But rather than displaying it on a window, I want it to be drawn as a gif image with a white background, how can i do that? The image does not exist and I want to create it from scratch.
Thank You.
19 years ago