Tom Screen

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since Oct 09, 2004
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I need to script (in Jython, but Jacl examples will do) the creation of an Object Cache Instance using AdminConfig. Has anyone done this before? If so could you post an example of the command required? As far as I can tell there are no examples in the IBM references or anywhere else on the web for that matter.

Thanks in anticipation,
17 years ago
By EJB bindings I mean that we are calling an EJB using a regular J2EE rmi call.
My question is, is there a much of a performance difference between using a JAX-RPC call to invoke a method on an EJB (web service) and using J2EE ejbhome lookup followed by a .create() and an invocation?
19 years ago
Hi All,

I'm currently working on a project using web services. An architect has made a decision to use EJB bindings to enhance performance between certain components. However, this means we are unable to access the SOAP message (because there is no SOAP message involved using with an rmi call!) and obviously the jax-rpc handler will not be invoked either.
Unfortunately, there is a requirement that we need to audit the SOAP requests as they come in. So there is a suggestion to build a SOAP envelope and pass it to the EJB as a parameter. I'd rather avoid this because it is messy, requires parsing of the SOAP envelope in the bean, and negates the point of using web services.
In order to convince the architect that the decision is a bad one I need to be able to show that there is no performance benefit of using EJB bindings as opposed to a JAX-RPC call.

Can anyone point me documentation or if anyone has any experience of performance differences then please let me know as soon as possible!

Thanks and Regards,
19 years ago
Took and passed my SCJP certification about 2 weeks ago and was wondering how long it is until you receive a certificate (and other bits and pieces you get for passing). Was there something I was supposed to do after I passed or should I just wait?
I've always been curious about this but never been brave enough to try it... I was told years ago that custard powder explodes if you photocopy it. Can anyone verify this?
20 years ago
Sorry Michael, I apologise for incorrectly spelling your surname.

[JS] - I'll concede that as proper nouns "Christianity" and "Bible" do deserve capitalisation (that is with an 's' not a 'z' - I'm English, with a capital 'E') but isn't Java the most important thing in the world?!
20 years ago
What is Matthew 6:5?

I know it's from the bible but what does it say? Not being a christian myself I do not own a bible, but I figure if you put it in your signature then it might have some relevance to Java, computing, or life. Or maybe it's just a passage with a good moral. Can you enlighten me?
20 years ago
There's a "Stoner's Green" in Oxfordshire (or north Berkshire) in the UK.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Joe King:

This is the next class war. While the rich bourgeois can afford to have their grammar and spelling checked, the downtrodden proletariat have to make do with shoddy writing. No more will we settle for this lack of equality! We will rise up and demand the ability, nay the right, to spell and write correctly. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their typing style. They have a dictionary to win. Working typists of all countries, unite!

Every person has the power to speak, spell and construct grammatically correct sentences. We can point the finger at web-based forums (this one being the exception of course!) and instant-messaging (not to mention the popularity of SMS in the UK) as the direct cause of our language "evolution" over the past 10 years. Although, I would have to argue against calling it "evolution", maybe "devolution" would be more appropriate. Hopefully, between the teenagers attempting to shorten our language and lawyers attempting to use as much of it as possible (most of the time just to confuse people) we will maintain a balance for the forseeable future. I am most disappointed to see some of these abbreviations starting to make their way into the OED.

Ok, apologies, this turned into quite a rant... I certainly do not wish to be labelled as the grammar-police/policeman/policewoman/person/whatever.
[ October 09, 2004: Message edited by: Tom Screen ]
20 years ago
Hi all,

I thought I'd join the masses this morning by signing up and massaging my ego (although not as much as the 90+ people) by saying "wahoo I passed too"!!!

Bravo to Kathy and Bert for an excellent book - it even made me laugh in places, not what i was expecting from a certification guide but made me feel all warm and fuzzy that computer science can be fun (too much coffee already today methinks)!

Anyway, best of luck to anyone taking the exam in the future and well done to all here who have already taken and passed. See you in the saloon at lunchtime, drinks are on me!
20 years ago

I decided it was time for me to register just to add a reply to this thread! I was wondering where you came across this piece of code. If you are studying for your SCJP exam then you should really be aware that this code flaunts the 'good practice' guidelines of assertions - that is they should not produce a side effect. In this case your assertion will decrement the i variable if the condition of the assertion evaluates to false.

Hope this helps too!