Sandeep Chaturvedi

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since Jan 19, 2001
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Recent posts by Sandeep Chaturvedi

Good job Amit

Best wishes for your next exams.
19 years ago
My views:
1. I cleared the exam and I have very little coding experience with Entity Beans (with no intention to ever use it).
2. You can pass any exam with zero coding experience unless you have to code in the exam hall!
3.It depends on the experience level.
I think if there is a bug with the transaction rollback, it means - developer has not either not set setRollBackOnly() or called it in wrong place. This could happen in ejbStore() or ejbCreate.
I dont think you can use Entity Bean if the data provider does not support JTA.

Question 7. (1 Ans.)
Which object CANNOT be retrieved from a JNDI namespace by an Application Client?
A. EJBHome (stub)
B. EJBLocalHome
C. QueueConnectionFactory
D. TopicConnectionFactory

Can you verify. I think the correct answer should be A. Even a local home you retrieve from JNDI.
Hi All
I took the exam yesterday in Connecticut. Andrew has given a very good explaination of the scope of the exam. I did face the problem in drag and drop on two of the problems (system resource related). When we called prometric they mentioned it is Windows 98 issue.
I think it was one of the best exams I took and lots of effort must have gone in the preparation. Thanks to the folks at Sun (Kathy,Evelyn and others).
Thanks to all the participants at the ranch.
Congratulations Amanda,
Wishing you the best for the next part.
I am also starting to prepare for the exam. I cleared the SCJP and skipping SCJD as I think Architecture exam is more relevant in current scenario (my coding skills are tested anyway on a daily basis!)
I need advice from you and other participants on this forum:
Even though I have long experience in software I have never used design patterns directly and have some experience in UML/EJBs. Giving myself 3 months, do you recommend preparing all the sublects (design patterns, UML, EJB) parellely or should I follow a sequence.
I have started going thru Design Patterns (Gamma et al) but just wondering when to start UML (Fowler or some other??) (after I understand some patterns or right away!)
Also, are there any website's other thna this one fully dedicated to the Architect Exam.
I appreciate your and other participant's help.
Finally I cleared the exam with 91% (first I misread 61!).
Thanks to my wife/daughter (for support/patience) and internet.
It took me two weeks to prepare of which most of my time I spent on javaranch+maha (30%) and mock tests(40%). I hardly referred to any books (just RHE ~10% and couple of hours on JLS). Notes from Nityanand Mukherjee provided excellent last minute revision.
I infact scored more in the real exam than any mock tests (even though I found it tougher than most of them) - may be I was more focused/careful - and my daughter was not pulling my hair
Exam tests your understanding of the concepts and does not try to trick you (keep away from tricky mock tests - they can really confuse you). Marcus Green,Jxam,Jargon were the closest in terms of the type of questions (real is much tougher though).
Go thru archives of Java Ranch Certification Forum and Maha's site. That should clear most of your concepts.
[ July 01, 2003: Message edited by: Sandeep Chaturvedi ]
23 years ago
Finally I cleared the exam with 91% (first I misread 61!).
Thanks to my wife/daughter (for support/patience) and internet.
It took me two weeks to prepare of which most of my time I spent on javaranch+maha (30%) and mock tests(40%). I hardly referred to any books (just RHE ~10% and couple of hours on JLS). Notes from Nityanand Mukherjee provided excellent last minute revision.
I infact scored more in the real exam than any mock tests (even though I found it tougher than most of them) - may be I was more focused/careful - and my daughter was not pulling my hair
Even though I am no expert in Java(just one out of last 11 years!), my advice! Exam tests your understanding of the concepts and does not try to trick you (keep away from tricky mock tests - they can really confuse you). Marcus Green,Jxam,Jargon were the closest in terms of the type of questions (real is much tougher though).
Go thru archives of Java Ranch Certification Forum and Maha's site. That should clear most of your concepts.
"I think the answer is "d" none of the above. You just need to use notify(). I do not think there is a way to specify the object.notify()."
I agree with anshuman. Answer is a. Example:
in second thread you have following code in the run():
synchronized(myObj) {
Since notify() is a final method defined in Object, myObj.notify() will enable the waiting thread to run (assuming there is no other thread waiting)
What is KAM India (is it a mock exam on web? Can you tell the site or email me at
I missed that. Thanks
In one of the mock test, I came across these question where I have some doubts:
Which code fragments would correctly identify the number of arguments passed via command line to a Java application, excluding the name of the class that is being invoked? count = args.length; count = args.length - l; count=0; while (args [count]!=null) count ++; count=0; while (!(args[count].equals(""))) count ++;}
Answer given is A.
I tried C and that also seem to give me the correct answer.
Select all valid answers.
a) an array extends Object
b) an array extends Cloneable
c) an array implements Cloneable
d) an array extends primitive types like int, char, byte
e) None
Answer given: a,c
Why c??
I checked the Java docs and Array exetends Object but does not implement.
Can someone explain whether I am right or wrong.
One of the answer in a mock exam for
Legal reuse of method names:
-In subclass with same arguments with different return types.
I dont think that it is correct answer. I tried a sample code which gives a compile time error:
public class Q8 {
public int amethod()
return -1;
class Q9 extends Q8
public String amethod()
return "Not Possible";
</CODE> The method java.lang.String amethod() declared in class Q9 cannot override the method of the same signature declared in class Q8. They must have the same return type.
Any suggestions?
Help me out guys;
In one of the mock exams, This question is there:
Which of the following are legal uses of access modifiers:
A. public class beta
B. protected class alpha
C. private class beta
D. friendly class alpha
E. class alpha
Answer given: A,E
But I think the answer should be: A,B,C,E since B,C are allowed for nested class.
Any suggestions?