I too need to do something like that..
how do I get this value and the index of it, so that I can add more children to it if it is equal to my value??
For example, I have a Vector with objects that have 3 values like
Vector(0) = Obj1 where Obj1(0)=C1, Obj1(1)=F1, Obj1(2)=S1
Vector(1) = Obj2 where Obj2(0)=C1, Obj2(1)=F1, Obj2(2)=S2
Vector(2) = Obj3 where Obj3(0)=C2, Obj3(1)=F2, Obj3(2)=S2
Vector(3) = Obj4 where Obj4(0)=C1, Obj4(1)=F2, Obj4(2)=S1
now how will I construct a tree from this? I'm trying a lot to get this working.. but somehow the constructed tree doesn't exactly match my requirement. Can somebody please help me..
the output tree I need is :
and so on..
[ October 22, 2004: Message edited by: KathySmith SmithL ]