shailesh jamloki

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since Oct 28, 2004
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Recent posts by shailesh jamloki

I think I got the answer:-

It is possible to call the run() method as run(). but It really do not start a separate call stack.

to call run() with start() is a mechanism to start it in a different mechanism.

But Is this really a reason?
14 years ago
Hi All,
I have a very general question about Thread class method.

In any class if we have a method foo() then we call it using foo().

then why do we call run() using start() in the case of Threads?

I guess to show a different process started running?

any concrete answers?

14 years ago
Hi my small application loads connected agents with properties in a jtable.
*Connected agents are are some process which are listening to some port.

If I have 30 agents and out of 20 are connected. So I have to load 20 agents in the table.

But when the application loads.. my swing application hangs as it takes time to see if all the agents are connected and then load only connected agents.

Is this possible to load a connected in the jtable as soon as we figure out those are connected. So that swing application do not be in loading state.

and update the jtable successively

15 years ago
Is it dependent on OS we have used. or the JRE version ?

I am using sun's 1.6 and windows xp.
15 years ago
I have added the line

and I am also printing
System.out.println("FILE EXISTANCE CHECK------>"+new File("c:\\ant1.gif").exists());

output :-

but still the icon is not visible. but the blank -space is visible in the system tray.
15 years ago
yeah sure..
I am using this gif file.

Can you please try the same,

[ September 29, 2008: Message edited by: shailesh jamloki ]
15 years ago
still it is not working
15 years ago
I have edited the ico file in paint and saved it as .gif.
15 years ago
I tried the same thing still I am not able to view the icon.

15 years ago
I hope I am not doing it wroingly.But I have just changed the extension of the file to .gif and .jpeg.

If it is not the correct way of doing it. Can you please tell me. How can I do it?
15 years ago
Thanks for the suggestion.
I am still not able to see the image icon in the system tray.

any more suggestions?

15 years ago
here is how i am initialized image icon.

15 years ago
I have a small program, where i add a tray icon (with ico image) to the system tray and I am adding some menu-item to it etc.

I can see the space in the system tray. I can see all the menu-items in it. when i click/right click. But the icon image is not showing.

Earlier i assumed that, there is a possiblity that the ico image size is big and hence it is not showing. So i replaced it with small .ico image. but still it is not showing. can you please help me in the same?

Thanks for the help.
15 years ago
I am able to reach to update method now. I have called setChange() method after isConnected();
15 years ago
out put is coming as

Checking status..... is Connected....
Checking status..... is Connected....
Checking status..... is Connected....
Checking status..... is Connected....

but this line is not getting printed

System.out.println("Response is --->"+arg);
15 years ago