suresh Krishnan

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since Jan 23, 2001
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Recent posts by suresh Krishnan

Im looking 4 some sample Data Model to develope...I got existing DB2 looking for some samples ...good web site to generate or design data model.
I think u have mistaken my question...
2 records in database
id email
RemoteInterfaceType findByEmail(String emailid) throws FinderException blah balh...
what happens when i call above method...against above database
I knwo we can use collection or enumeration...
but what happens 4 above case?
What happens when u do
RemoteType findByMethod1(String email) in Finder class....
and finds that there are 2 records in db with same email??
Where can I find EJB specs 1.1 and 2.0 link plz?

Where can i get EJB Specs ...not API...
Lookign for a good site on DTD examples and tutorials..
RMI is a pass by value...
When both client and remote object are in the same JVM, local copies can be
disabled allowing the object being called to get a reference to the calling
In other words we can get a reference to the calling arguments instead of using
"pass by value" and creating a copy/proxy
a. Can u explain above statement
b) when can client and remote object can be in the same JVM? So far i was thinking
client object resides in client machine..which is different JVM and remote object
residing in app server jvm.