jalal ud-din

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since Nov 04, 2004
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Recent posts by jalal ud-din

Well in fact you _can_ use generated ids for acheiving the same end.

Instead of using composite ids (which is something of a performance in Hibernate), I found it simpler to write my own net.sf.hibernate.id.IdentifierGenerator subclass.

That tiny code generated a unique identifier for a class based on a number of the class' properties.

The generation algorithm can be as simple as string concetanation or the md5 hash of larger combinations of data.
Hi Peter.

While that's a good pattern, it doesn't solve the 'back button' problem.

Though I don't have the time (I'll be too busy stripping all the forms out of my Struts application), whoever writes an ActionForm that strips the params out of an ordinary http GET - they will be doing the world a great big favour.
20 years ago
I didn't expect this.

After all my lovingly crafted work. I switch back to IE 6.028 and guess what?

Not only does it not cache pages with forms in them, it makes you click through 2 ugly screens to resubmit.

For struts, which relies heavily on form submission, this is pure death.

For instance, I'm viewing my portfolio, click a button to see the obligatory chart - hit the back button and woops! its all gone. Click forward - thats gone too.
Joe Public gives up at this stage.

It will be impossible to write commercial webapps in struts if this continues to be IE behaviour.

20 years ago
Thank you, Bruce Jin, for helping me on that one.

If any of you have tried sending XMLEncoded beans as http request contents, you will have noticed that when you try to decode, javax.servlet.HttpRequest.getInputStream() includes the CRLF line break at the beginning of the content.

Which is very annoying.
Thanks again Bruce.