Confused with contents in a class diagrams ?
These are the things i have in mind.
Assuming all are in application server. Web server is just for detection redirection has only html and gif
Like IBM Websphere 3.5 or 5.x
RequestHandler (Action classes)
Business delegate
Session facade
Session/entity ejb
Arch components ( servicelocator etc)
some Value objects and utility classes ( dateutil , formatters, jaxb handlers etc)
What should go in Class diagram ?
My component has package for each of the above ones.
And shows relation using arrows
Can some one post a url where i can check how the class should look like
I have seen petstore application
I found 2 different sets of class diagrams. Figure 20 , Figure 21 and figure 22
Fig 20 differs from 21 and 22 Fig 11.9 seems to me more of a component diagrams showing everything here
Also Should class diagram should be strictly one ?
Seems this diagrams are going to deviate from my real life experience.
Please respond ASAP..