bee mul

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Recent posts by bee mul

Originally posted by Bil Bob:
Great Effort/Result

It's interesting that you got full marks for class diagram and yet lost 10 on component diagram. What do you think went wrong?

I hate that we dont get our marks displayed even down to the level of UML and Solution. I hope they treat me kindly when i FINALLY get it back

I think i should have send couple of more component diagrams for clarity sake.May be single component diagram of mine did not explain what is required on the design..

Originally posted by Santosh Vyas:

Can you please give your valuable guidance on
how to prepare for this SCEA test.



I would suggest you read the Petstore application from Sun for Part II
This would be the major help.
Also if you are not done Part I . Register with yahoo groups like scea etc
these has much more docs u need for Part I

Originally posted by rajan bhaskar:
Could you tell include JSP and servlets in your class diagram?

sorry for the delay.
Do not include JSP or servlets or that sort of any thing
Mostly it should be your classes like customer, creditcard etc along with BDM. probably you can also include EJBs..
You can send as many diagrams you think good for understanding
your objective is to make Developer very clear on what is the architecture design looks like.
I sent 6 class diagrams ( Explaining Singleton as well)
and 1 component diagra( i should have done more here for clarity sake)
Awaited for 32 days. And here are the results.
Disappointed by Component diagrams score.I have no clue why did it go wrong.
Parag's message was lot helpful.Thanks a lot parag..

Test: Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition Technology Part II (310-061)
Date Taken: 2005-01-31 22:04:12.610
Registration Number: l61dtt500c
Site: az26
Grade: P
Score: 88
Comment: This report shows the total points that could have been awarded in each section and the actual amount of points you were awarded. This information is provided in order to give you feedback on your relative strengths on a section basis. The maximum number of points you could have received is 100, minimum to pass is 70.
Class Diagram (44 maximum) ............................... 44
Component Diagram (44 maximum) ........................... 34 Sequence/Colloboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ............. 10
Confused with contents in a class diagrams ?
These are the things i have in mind.
Assuming all are in application server. Web server is just for detection redirection has only html and gif
Like IBM Websphere 3.5 or 5.x

RequestHandler (Action classes)
Business delegate
Session facade
Session/entity ejb
Arch components ( servicelocator etc)

some Value objects and utility classes ( dateutil , formatters, jaxb handlers etc)

What should go in Class diagram ?

My component has package for each of the above ones.
And shows relation using arrows

Can some one post a url where i can check how the class should look like
I have seen petstore application
I found 2 different sets of class diagrams.
Figure 20 , Figure 21 and figure 22
Fig 20 differs from 21 and 22
Fig 11.9 seems to me more of a component diagrams showing everything here

Also Should class diagram should be strictly one ?
Seems this diagrams are going to deviate from my real life experience.
Please respond ASAP..