This week's book giveaway is in the Design and Architecture forum.
We're giving away four copies of Communication Patterns: A Guide for Developers and Architects and have Jacqui Read on-line!
See this thread for details.

Eduardo Plata

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since Nov 19, 2004
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Recent posts by Eduardo Plata

Does someone know where can I get weblogic 8.1 at this moment? Oracle has restricted downloads and I have no metalink account.

I need AIX version... planning to run on mac...

Thanks in advance
15 years ago
Hi, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I am developing my assignment and I still have doubts if the JMS request/response (temporary topic) is not fixing the 5 seconds restriction, what if I use a timeout model where set availability to 0 if timeout is reached? what about define a SLA with your manufacturers, it can be an assumption? I don't know if design a backgroud process caching the availability is outside of the scope.

About shipping, there is two providers, now when you have to calculate the shipping cost, there is no information how to get it, shipping companies only provide service for accept shipping request and not for calculating price based on quantity, address or weight, then my assumption is that price are fixed and shipping compannies (Shipping methods)should be on the business model too.

Thank you so much for your feedback, I was so confused with the quotation.

Now I'll try to justify my changes and the adds to my model.

I am agree with the idea that Standard, Petite and Flavored are categories of a product. Thinking in a new cigar it will be so expensive to have an entity for each type. Then I have changed my BDM to support a new entity called product that has a category (Product[*]:Category[1]). But now, is that possible? as you say is it safe to think that BDM is a conceptual model?

Many to Many relation, as you say gives the customer the absence of brand, then BigSmokes Cigars only has three products to sale, this for me has no sense, moreover you will have to ask for inventory of the same product in all manufacturers and it is so expensive. I think a product should be identified by a category(standard, petit, flavored) and a manufacturer, are you agree?.

I am working on my SCEA assignment, but now that I am almost ready I read again the workshop and found:

The following business domain model describes the key objects identified during the workshops. All of these objects and relaitionships between them should be addresed in your design and implementation

But, my design is based on the assumption that the system should be extensible, then I replace 3 objects (cigars) from my BDM (BusinessDomainModel) for just one (Product), but now I think this illegal and I should use the same model.

Is it possible to have a class diagram different from the BDM?

Thanks in advance,

Hi all...
I�ve seen some previous post about the use of dependency injection in managed beans (jsf, servlets) to get reference to a Session Facade Bean.

After reading all, I think that the consensus when using JEE5, you should use "Dependency Injection". But then, I have a doubt, I understand that the reference to the EJB (using DI) is not really the EJB, but a component provided by the container that makes the same work (Business Delegate and Service Locator pattern). Now, if I don't use a BD built by myself, where should I manage my Network, Remote exceptions? Is it a good practice to make it on my managed bean? Does this question goes to just have a better exception management?


Last week I bought the promo on ePractize site, including SCEA Part1, SCEA Part2 and 3 (No ready yet), and SCJP5 for U$100.

Today, I took the SCEA5 part 1 and passed with only 70% :S , I was so confused and so anguished with the time. Questions very tough and a lot of assumptions you have to work with. Security was my weakness along with application Design Concepts and principles. In comparison with the first version (I've already take it last year), new version is extremely harder than previous.

About the topic, Epractize has 692 questions, but a lot of them are repeated and some other need to be reviewed because the explanaition is good, but the answers are pointing to another option, you don't have a easy way to report it. Moreover, in multiple chooice questions type, you don't have any aid, just "choose all". About the level of questions are easier than the real exam in a great proportion. Epractize work for me to clarify some concepts and to take the risk of taking the real exam, but it wasn't a great advantage for me. Conclusion, if you have money buy it, but if you want a great score is not sufficient, you need a great experience or study hard.

Hi, i am using two modules on my web.xml

But my mapping instead of use *.do is using /do/*

How can i call an action in module test?

using the default .do i can do it with:
url : http://localhost:8081/context/test/
action: http://localhost:8081/context/

but using the mandatory /do/* is not working with
url : http://localhost:8081/context/test/do/mytest
action: http://localhost:8081/context/do/switch?prefix=/test&page=/do/mytest

Please help
18 years ago
Hi, I'm trying to display a error message using xml struts plugin validator that it's on another resource bundle, but the key doesn't get the value. I have this:

On strtus-config.xml
<form-bean name="myForm" type="com.i2b.sged.struts.MyActionForm" />
<action input="/jsp/lajsp.jsp" name="myForm" path="/myAction" scope="request" type="com.i2b.sged.struts.MyAction" validate="true">
<forward name="success" path="/jsp/lasalida.jsp" />
<message-resources parameter="resources.sged"/>
<message-resources key="prueba" parameter="resources.prueba"/>
On my ActionForm
public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping actionMapping,
HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) {

ActionErrors messages = super.validate(actionMapping,httpServletRequest);
MessageResources bundle = MessageResources.getMessageResources("resources.prueba");
String mensaje = bundle.getMessage("prueba.campo2"); // -> this works fine
if (messages == null)
messages = new ActionErrors();
if ("another validation ....")
messages.add("prueba.campo2",new ActionMessage("errors.required",mensaje));
return messages;
and at last, on my validation.xm
<!-- An example form -->
<form name="myForm">
<arg position="0" key="prueba.test" bundle="prueba"/>

now, when the submit fails on validation the resource bundle "prueba" is not found and the mesagge displayed is only: " is required"

Thanks in advance
18 years ago
Hi, i need to change dinamically the print margins on internet explorer 5+, i try to use MeadCo's ScriptX 6.2 ( but i require a license to functions that i need, does anybody know some other control or script?

Thanks.. sorry i am new and i thought that it was for the css.
18 years ago
Hi, i am using:

And getting in Javascript with

But that works only in explorer, in mozilla it doesn't work...

How can i solve the limitation to put id on <html> tags ?

18 years ago
i have an iframe called cc, and with a combo box outside the iframe, i want to jump to a marker # within the iframe document.

I am trying something like:

The marker is called 2 and the document.xml is displayed by the browser with a xsl.

Using an <a href, the code works fine, but on my combo using onclick and calling a page that is displaying in the current frame is not working, but if i change the page like "document2.xml#4" it works fine..

simplifying my post:

I have this:

how can i retrieve the select element on mozilla? (like i am using a framework i can't change the name or put something beyond (like the id).
getNetuiTagName("myNormalId") its a bea weblogic funcion that returns a String like "Porlet_4_1wlw-select_key:{actionForm.cdTipoJDC}"

Using javascript debugger the error is on:

and i am retrieving availableList as:

availableList = document.getElementById(getNetuiTagName("availableOptions"))

availableList = document.forms[0].elements[getNetuiTagName('availableOptions')] it works, but like i am in a portal app, i don't know what form will be ... with the index 0 works only if there is only a form.