Last week I bought the promo on ePractize site, including SCEA Part1, SCEA Part2 and 3 (No ready yet), and SCJP5 for U$100.
Today, I took the SCEA5 part 1 and passed with only 70% :S
, I was so confused and so anguished with the time. Questions very tough and a lot of assumptions you have to work with. Security was my weakness along with application Design Concepts and principles. In comparison with the first version (I've already take it last year), new version is extremely harder than previous.
About the topic, Epractize has 692 questions, but a lot of them are repeated and some other need to be reviewed because the explanaition is good, but the answers are pointing to another option, you don't have a easy way to report it. Moreover, in multiple chooice questions type, you don't have any aid, just "choose all". About the level of questions are easier than the real exam in a great proportion. Epractize work for me to clarify some concepts and to take the risk of taking the real exam, but it wasn't a great advantage for me. Conclusion, if you have money buy it, but if you want a great score is not sufficient, you need a great experience or study hard.