John Sisco

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since Nov 22, 2004
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Originally posted by Adeel Ansari:
Use a better browser, use firefox.

Oh, thank you very much for your most helpful reply !

I've been always using alternative browsers but the sad thing is that 95% (?) of the target users of my application are not.
19 years ago
Yeah, I read few posts about the issue from this forum, but didn't quite figure out how to fix this annoyance.

I'm building a e-commerce site with shopping carts etc and if user wants to have some additional info about some product he/she can open a popup which contains pictures etc and "add to shopping cart"-button.

UserID is kept in a session but the problem is that when using the application with IE6, the UserID-session does not get transmitted to the popup (just gives NULL when trying to retrieve it) ..

Am I supposed to be using encodeURL()-method and if yes, why doesn't this work ?

19 years ago

Still quite new to SAX-parsing and would appreciate any help on this matter.

Ok, I have the characters-method to capture the elements I need but have problem when trying to save them to an dynamic array for later use.

If I try to save them to an array in the above if-clause, it just shows null when I'm trying to read the array somewhere outside characters()-method. At the moment I've come around this by writing the results to a .txt-file (yeah, how stupid) and retrieving the results from there when needed.

Above is the method where the actual parsing is invoked.
Hello all,

i'm in a bit of hurry, so there may be quite easy solution for my 'problem' because I really don't have time to RTFM at the moment.

I'm receiving n+1 (the amount varies) XML-messages via socket and have to parse them and create some boring statistics of them.

The XML-message is in following format.

Ok, no problems parsing that but the socket returns n+1 of these messages at the same time, eg:

And this results to exception:

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Illegal character at end of document, <.

So the question is, how can I parse multiple XML-messages at the same time or what should I do ?

Thanks for help ..

- John
Hello all,

I have a .jsp login page for my application and want to create n-second delay if the entered username/password is incorrect in order to make bruteforcing/hammering more difficult. How can this be done ?

And generally speaking about web application security; is it the right approarch to handle user authentications via sessions or is there any security issues there ? Meaning that, when user logs in, a session is created and this session is checked in every .jsp page. And if it's not valid, user is forwarded back to login-page.

Thanks for help.

- John
19 years ago

I'm having problems with PostgreSQL that has some major difficulties converting scandinavian UTF-16 characters (ä - a with dots, ö - o with dots) to ISO 8859-1.


java.sql.SQLException: ERROR: could not convert UTF-8 character 0x00ef to ISO8859-1


^- I think the error above is wrong because java uses UTF-16, right ?

Well anyway, I was thinking that I could go around this problem by making the conversion on the java-side, but have some difficulties understanding the java.nio-package.

So the task is to have the sql-string to include the foobar variable as ISO-8859-1, and the code belove manages not to give the SQLException above, but am I just making a UTF-16 -> ISO 8859-1 -> UTF-16 encoding/decoding there ?

19 years ago

trying to set simple timeout-values for my .jsp-pages, but the setMaxInactiveInterval()-method seems not to be working like I thought it would.

Yes, the session gets timed out eventually, but not in the time I give to setMaxInactiveInterval()-method.

For example, if I set the timeout to 1 second (session.setMaxInactiveInterval(1) , it takes give or take abt. ~minute to time out.

Anyone have had any similar experiences or is there something wrong with my tomcat or something ?

- John
19 years ago
Hello all,

i wrote a parser that moves stuff from .txt-file to postgresql. Works fine until scandinavian characters are encountered (a with dots, o with dots etc).


java.sql.SQLException: ERROR: could not convert UTF-8 character 0x00ef to ISO8859-1


The odd thing (?) is that when i'm using the same parser with mysql-database&driver, everything works just fine.

Any ideas how to convert/parse/whatever those scandinavian characters or any other solution how to solve this problem ?


- John