Rajagopal Manohar

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since Nov 26, 2004
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Recent posts by Rajagopal Manohar

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:To the people who haven't posted in some time and came back: Happy memories; it is great to see you again.
[edited to fix typo]

Fond Memories indeed...

Happy Birthday JavaRanch
14 years ago
aha!!! okies
ps: just realizing how hard it is to code with out an IDE
15 years ago
thanks will go for JExcelAPI
15 years ago
Hi Ranchers,

Context first, I am returning to java ranch, java and programming in general after 3 years :|...The thing is I need to analyse several huge excel files with under thousand rows . Doing it manually is quite daunting and I'm convinced that I should wear my programmers hat once more. A few years back JExel API and Apache POI were the packages to be used and they were not very mature at that point of time. Have things changed today, what is the best package (most easy to learn and use in my case) to use? and more importantly has java changed much....I last programmed in java 1.4 and I remember Java 1.5 has several radical changes or so I thought ...Am quite excited at the thought of programing again and general advice from ranchers will be very much appreciated

Thanks in advance,

ps: I just need to read data and do some number crunching and write it to another file.
15 years ago
Sorry for the wrong post ... was my fault, one of the xsl-s were in another directory.
My Apologies

Is there a way, I can import multiple XSL documents into a given XSL document that I use.
The importing XSL document is...
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0" xmlns:redirect="http://xml.apache.org/xalan/redirect" extension-element-prefixes="redirect">
<xsl:include href="foo.xsl" />
<xsl:include href="bar.xsl" />

<xsl utput method="xml" indent="yes" omit-xml-declaration="yes" media-type="text/plain"/>

<xsl:template match="/rootnode">
<xsl:for-each select="selectnode">
<xsl:apply-templates select="current()" />
<xsl:for-each select="/nextroot">
<xsl:apply-templates select="current()" />

<xsl:template match="rootnode">
<xsl:call-template name="rootnode" />
<xsl:template match="nextroot">
<xsl:call-template name="nextroot" />


The two XSL-s foo.xsl and bar.xsl are to be found in the local dir. The foo.xsl file is to be found while bar.xsl is not to be picked up.

Thanks in Advance!
I've read this some where but dont remember where.

>>Its a common misconception that Eclipse was named to take a pot shot at Sun, >>Eclipse was named so because it eclipsed all the tools that we had developed >>before

It may not be a word to word reproduction but hopefully it helps you to get the gist of why now


Originally posted by Rajagopal Manohar:
looks like HttpUtils class will do what I was looking for. But its deprecated any idea why and alternatives if any will be helpfull

Thanks in advance,

Thanks for the replys,

I am using this class as it seems to do what I want read a string and return a hashtable of parameters or throw a exception. Is there any thing that can go wrong with this approach?

18 years ago
I think no, The xml may be generated by a batch program, other servlets or even javascript. Actually I am not confident on how when where the request is generated and have no control over it. For all you know it could be a file upload.

ps: some times the xmlDoc is just one of the request parameters, other times it is the post body
[ March 02, 2006: Message edited by: Rajagopal Manohar ]
18 years ago
actually the inputstream contains a xml document. The document some times comes as one of the parameters "xmlDoc" or the inputstream contains only the xml document.
18 years ago
the thing is there might be a scenario where there are no parameters but I still want to read the inputstream

do I make sense or am I complicating a simple solution
18 years ago
looks like HttpUtils class will do what I was looking for. But its deprecated any idea why and alternatives if any will be helpfull

Thanks in advance,
18 years ago
Thanks for the reply

Its a POST request

The request comes from multiple locations

1. Java Batch programs
2. JSP application (Both HTML forms and javascript)
3. 3rd part applications

Basically I can make no assumptions about the front end neither can I change them.

Any pointers on how to parse the inputstream would be very helpfull

is it just key1=val1&key2=val2&key3=val3 and so on or are there some pittfalls I should avoid

Thanks again,
18 years ago
Hi All,

I have a requirment where I need to do something like this

The problem is that the inputstream get reset to null after calling the getParameter

the getParameter values are used at 3 places, only at one place I am required to build the value from the inputstream

Any pointers on how to solve it arre welcome. So far I can think of writing getParameter like funtinality myself but any other non complicated ways will be very helpfull

PS: Can we assume that the & symbol will always mean the start of a new parameter

Thanks in advance,
18 years ago