Piero Andre Ocampo

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since Nov 27, 2004
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Recent posts by Piero Andre Ocampo

I used Sathya's notes, Knudsen's book, JSR's for CLDC and JTWI and the J2ME API (that was the key I think, a lot of questions have to do with exceptions and legal/illegal arguments).
19 years ago
Felicidades Esteban!
19 years ago
Well... this is my first post here, even though the page has helped me a lot through my certification path (SCJP1.4 95% -For this one, a lot of credit goes to Katie and Bert!-, SCWCD1.4 84% and now SCMAD).

I got 72% in SCMAD, tough exam, not a lot of material out there, I'm happy I could make it... the embarrasing part is a 25% on Game API ...

Just wanted to thank the whole forum, it has been very helpful all this time
19 years ago