Martin Lerchster

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since Nov 29, 2004
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Recent posts by Martin Lerchster


I have the following Problem with my Result i'm getting from the database.

I'm using WAS 6.1 a V5 DataSource from it, on the other end i have a Oracle 10g Database.

The Problem is that i'm executing a Query on a Table with a CHAR(20) column.

The Result of the Query if i execute it on a DB-Cleint looks: 'R'

In my SourceCode after executing the Query i get a String: 'R '.
So the complete length of the CHAR-Column is filled up with blanks.

I think this is done by the ResultSetProxy, the class which is used bye the DataSource is:

The Problem occured on changing the DataSources from Version 4 to Version 5

If anybody have an idea how i can get solve this Problem without any Trims, thanks in advance.
Hi have a problem with calling a Ejb in Websphere Application Server from a local process!

The EJBs are deployed an useable from JSPs.

But if i want to lookup for a EJB from a local process i get a NameNotFoundException!

Properties objProperties = new Properties();
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(objProperties);

IPartnerBocHome home = (IPartnerBocHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ctx.lookup("ejb/PartnerBoc"), IPartnerBocHome.class);

20060223120106996 ERROR mailsender.process.ExecuteMailSender - javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: ejb/PartnerBoc
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
at mailsender.process.ExecuteMailSender.sendMails(
at mailsender.process.StartMailSenderProcess.main(
at mailsender.process.StartMailSenderProcess.main(

I'm starting the process from WSAD 5.1 where also the WAS5 is started.

thx for help
i have to say i like Java in a Nutshell form o'reilly but its more a reference than a tutorial for beginners!
18 years ago
i dont like breaks so my favorite is the second one even it is not as performant as the first!

19 years ago
because you are not able to call a function within a class and out of a function declaration !

within a class you are able to declare functions, vars .... but not to call a function, you have to call a function within a function declaration!

19 years ago
All information you need for one submit you should have in one form!

Why do you need the second one and why do you want to submit both?

19 years ago
String strMainData = " ";
String strParts[];
strParts = strMainData.split(" ");

String don�t have method split

+ test.count(strMainData, strParts[i])

public static int count(String s, String p[])

you are trying to give a String as Parameter to a String array!

you can call test.count(strMainData, strParts)
or change the method argument to public static int count(String s, string p)

sTemp.length should be sTemp.length()

what editor do you use?
[ December 30, 2004: Message edited by: Martin Lerchster ]
19 years ago