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Recent posts by vani

Here r some of the points hope they might serve your need,
1.Distrubuted comp
2.Lang Independent
3.Dev on IIOP
4.component interfece should be difined in IDL
5.Any Client cas acess these Components
6.Spicifications r set by OMG, presently 7 lang r supporting corba.
1.Both r Distrubuted.
2.lang dependent
3.Protocals: RMI ---jrmp
EJB ---RMI over IIOP
4.In case of RMI programer as to manage the object.
In case of EJB server takes care.
5.For EJB server provide folloing services which r not avalible for RMI & CORBA:
a. Life cycle management.
b. Transaction Monitoring.
c. Security.
6. Specification:
r set by Sun People.
All the best
1.Distrubuted comp
2.Lang Independent
3.Dev on IIOP
4.component interfece should be difined in IDL
5.Any Client cas acess these Components
6.Spicifications r set by OMG, presently 7 lang r supporting corba.
1.Both r Distrubuted.
2.lang dependent
3.Protocals: RMI ---jrmp
EJB ---RMI over IIOP
4.In case of RMI programer as to manage the object.
In case of EJB server takes care.
5.For EJB server provide folloing services which r not avalible for RMI & CORBA:
6. Specification:
r set by Sun People.
All the best
a. Life cycle management.
b. Transaction Monitoring.
c. Security.
Please help me the information regarding Transaction(jtm).
1.How important r they in ejb.
2.what r the various feilds to be coverd.
In Lang Package
RunTime class
method we have 2 methods
1. freeMemory()
which returns amout ao free memory avalible for JVM.
2. totalMemory()
which returns total memory allocated for JVM.
23 years ago
Hi Sunnel
We track sessions in 4 ways.

1. Cookies
2. URL Rewriting.
3.Client Authentication.
4.Hidden form Fields.
Depending on the requirment,keeping in mind the security part the required one is selected.
When u r working on a B2B portal u need to know the clients list and also vendor's list.Different screen's for different login.which can bo done by Client his ID & password.

Originally posted by Suneel Setlur:
We track sessions 2 ways.
1. Cookies
2. URL Rewriting.
URL Rewriting is a method used to track sessions when the browser being used by the client does not support cookies.In this process, all links and redirections during the client session must be encoded to include session ID as part of the URL.
Hope this helps
[This message has been edited by Suneel Setlur (edited January 27, 2001).]

23 years ago