Phil Chadwick

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since Nov 30, 2004
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when you restart the appserver, does a large java process start? are you sure your appserver is starting?

are you running http://localhost:9090 on the server? or on a different PC?

last question- is this the 1st install on the server? (if not, you will need to access the server on port 9091 like http://localhost:9091)
19 years ago
hi all-
sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm not a developer, and just a basic ws admin-

I'm using an oracle 8.1x data source w/ 8.1.7 client, and connecting via JDBC on Websphere 5.0

I've noticed over 120 different database connections are created every minuite- not just seperate queries, but seperate network connections (and creating a socket connection to the oracle listener has quite a lot of overhead). Is there a way in websphere to specify to re-use data source connections? or is this specified in the servelet?
I only use 2 JDBC connections (2 different data sources on the same server throught the same oracle listener)
my JDBC connection pool properties for each data source are shown below (both data sources are set the same)

Connection Timeout 1800 seconds
Max connections 30
Min connections 1
Reap Time 180
Unused Timeout 1800
Aged Timeout 0
Purge policy Entire Pool

thanks for any info-
-Phil Chadwick
19 years ago