Viral Thakkar

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since Jan 30, 2001
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Recent posts by Viral Thakkar

Please guide me on where to buy voucher and whats the process to appear for the SCEA Part 3 exam.

Hello All,
Can somebody please guide me on my below queries?

1. As I understood, in Part 2, different UML diagrams need to be provided for the downloaded case study. My question here is, which IDE to be used to develop these UML diagrams?

2. After getting the voucher, can I download the assignment from internet or I need to go to prometric center for download?

3. After finishing the assignment, how and wht to bundle in case we are using tool to develop the UML diagrams?

4. Can we also upload word document along with UML diagrams in case we need to attach additional data?

Thanks in advance.



BigInteger bigInt = new BigInteger("100010001000100010001000100010011000011100010001000100010001000100010011000011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111100",2);

BigDecimal bigDec = new BigDecimal(bigInt);

Then use this BigDecimal object to persist the data in Number type in oracle database table.
18 years ago
Hello All,

I have a requirement to convert a big binary number (as input to me in form of String) to a decimal number and then persist this decimal number in Number(38) data type column of oracle database table.

Please suggest as which data type I should be using to hold this big decimal number and how to convert this binary representation string data to decimal number.

18 years ago
Hi All,

I have a Date stored in GMT format in database. Now I need to display this date to user depending on his/her LOCALE. I found SimpleDateFormat and few other classes to convert the Date Format, but I am not able to find how to change the Date value as per user locale.

Date in database : 19 August 2004 6:30 PM

Date for User from India should be : 19 August 2004 1:00 PM

How to achieve this .???

20 years ago
Hi All,

I have a java.util.Date object. I want to convert this Date object as per the user locale.

How to do this.?

20 years ago
Hi All,

I have a java.util.Date object. I want to convert (display) this Date object as per the user locale.

How to do this.?

20 years ago
I have a stateful session ejb which is calling stateless session beans for some business processing.

Should I use helper classes instead of stateless session beans ..???
20 years ago
Hi All,

I was wondering if all the getXXX methods in the Value Objects should be declared as final.

I mean, is there any performance gain by making the get/set methods as final. These value object classes are used inside my ejb beans.

20 years ago
Hi All,

I have a collection. Should I use Iterator or Enumeration or for loop to iterate through all objects of this collection ?

20 years ago
Hi All,

Is there any best practices on how to handle the exceptions which arise in JSP pages ..?

We are using struts framework..

Should we use error.jsp and isError page usage..?

any other approaches welcome.

20 years ago
So before iterating, should I create a ArrayList from the Vector and then iterate over ArrayList?
20 years ago
Hi All,

I am using Toplink. Methods of Toplink return Vector. I require to iterator on this Vector.

Should I create a ArrayList from this Vector and then iterate on it?

What is advicable for performance?

20 years ago
by cluster aware, i mean if i get a EJB Home reference from cache (using the Service Locator component) and the server having the object, is down so here i may get some exception.. so how i should make sure in my program so that i dont get this exception..
i referred to the EJB clustering link but here nothing is mentioned about EJB reference from the cache....