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since Dec 13, 2004
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Recent posts by jrthor2

I have the same issue when trying to link to a page that is in a subfolder. How can this be done? I have a Spring portlet in Liferay I'm trying to link to. here is the code I have:

14 years ago
what if we wanted to use public/private key certificates?

16 years ago
I have never written any sort of webservice, but an tasked to do so now. We have decided to use restlets. I need to write a certificate based authentication webservice, where the client will pass us criteria (guid, username, password, etc), and then we need to look up this data and see if the guid is valid, and the username/password are valid.

Any suggestions on where to start??

16 years ago
Could this be done using a properties (text) file? If so, could someone show me how to do the bean?

19 years ago