Aravind Ramanujam

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since Dec 14, 2004
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Recent posts by Aravind Ramanujam

Hello all

I'm trying to add Glassfish 2.1 to Eclipse Juno. I'm not able to get the adapters for Glassfish 2.1. All i'm getting is for Glassfish 3.1 and Glassfish 4.0. Does anyone know how to get the adapters for Glassfish 2.1 so that i can run the server from inside eclipse? Also, if anyone can point out how to deploy applications developed in eclipse on a server running outside of eclipse, that would be great.

Aravindan R
I have a text field in my form for start date. The data type in my action for that field is date. I have custom validation for that date field in my validate method. When ever i have an invalid date keyed in that field, i'm getting 2 errors.

1 from the Struts 2 type conversion interceptor (i guess) "Invalid field value for field startDate".
2 from my custom validation from the validate method "Start Date required". The reason why i'm getting this is because i believe Struts 2 automatically clears the data if it is invalid and when the code reaches the validate method, the field has no value.

I would like to disable the type conversion error checks so that only one message is shown to the user.

Any help is appreciated.
12 years ago
I'm using struts2. I need to repopulate a date field after a conversion error happens. I'm not using the validator xml for my validation instead using the validate method in my action class. How do i set repopulatefield to true in case of a conversion error?
12 years ago
I'm trying to upgrade an existing Hibernate application running on WAS 6.0 to run on WAS 6.1 RAD 7 is the IDE i'm using. I'm getting the following error when i try to access the application running on WAS 6.1

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org/objectweb/asm/ClassVisitor.visit(IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V

Has anyone encountered similar problem? Does any one have a fix for this?
Thanks for your time.


Here is the stack trace:

Hello all

In Struts 1, there was a in built feature where i can use multiple tiles definition files for internationalization. I don't need to mention the specific file name to be loaded. Struts finds the right file based on the locale. All i need to do is just add a file with a new locale included in the file name as follows:

Is this feature still available in Struts 2? I've explicitly mentioned the resources to be included for internationalization in the following entry

How do i add tiles to this entry?

- Aravindan -
14 years ago
No. They are not.
15 years ago
Sorry i wasn't clear the first time. Hope the below example will make my question clear:

person1(Id:1, Name:John, Addr:3 Main st, City:Chicago, State:IL)
person2(Id:2, Name:Mike, Addr:12 6th st, City:San Francisco, State:CA)
person3(Id:3, Name: Diana, Addr:1635 Auburn Bl, City: Portland, State: OR)

comp1(Id:1, Company:XYZ, Position: Programmer)
comp3(Id:3, Company:HTC, Position:Sales Manager)
comp10(Id:10, Company:ABC, Position:Manager)

member1(Id:1, Name:John, Addr:3 Main st, City:Chicago, State:IL, Company:XYZ, Position: Programmer)
member2(Id:2, Name:Mike, Addr:12 6th st, City:San Francisco, State:CA, Company:, Position: )
member3(Id:3, Name: Diana, Addr:1635 Auburn Bl, City: Portland, State: OR, Company:HTC, Position:Sales Manager)
member10(Id:10, Name:, Addr:, City:, State:, Company:ABC, Position:Manager)

Information for Ids 1 & 3 are merged together. ID 2 has only person info and ID 10 has only company info.
[ December 09, 2008: Message edited by: Aravind Ramanujam ]
15 years ago

I have 2 vectors, vector1 has objects of person and vector2 has objects of company.

A new Vector should be created merging these 2 vectors. The object in the new vector has all the attributes from both Person and Company.

The constraint is, if the Id matches all the fields in Member object will be populated. If the id doesn't match, only the corresponding fields of the Member object will be populated.

Is there a easy way to compare each element of the 2 vectors? I tried a simple for loop iterating through the elements but its not working out right.

Any help is appreciated.
15 years ago

I'm getting the following exception when i try to create the PreparedStatement. invalid operation: connection closed

I'm using a DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider Datasource. Connection is getting created successfully but the preparedStatement is not getting created. I've given my code snippet below:

The above code is failing after "2" and giving the following Exception

&&&&&&&& EXCEPTION STACK TRACE &&&&&&&&& invalid operation: connection closed
at Code))
at Code))
at Code))
at Code))
at Code))
at Code))
at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(
at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( Code))
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( Code))
at Code))
at Code))
at Code))
at Compiled Code))
at Code))
at Code))
at Compiled Code))
at Code))
at Code))
at Code))
at Code))
at Code))
at Code))
at Code))
at Code))
at Code))
at Code))
at Code))
at Code))
at Code))
at Code))

&&&&&&&& END EXCEPTION STACK TRACE &&&&&&&&&

I don't know what i'm doing wrong. Any help is appreciated.

- Aravindan R -
[ December 30, 2005: Message edited by: Aravind Ramanujam ]
Thanks a lot Merrill. That was the problem. I didn't have the method getValue() in my Object in the collection.
18 years ago
I'm trying to populate a select in a jsp page. Here is the code snippet:

P.S: I inserted a space after : to avoid the smiley icons

I'm getting the following error:

[ServletException in:../jsp/List.jsp] No getter method available for property value for bean under name busDetail'

The property "busDetails" is defined in the SearchInputForm. I've defined "busDetail" using the <bean: define> tag. Am i doing anything wrong here?

All your help is appreciated.
[ December 15, 2005: Message edited by: Aravind Ramanujam ]
18 years ago
I'm getting javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded while trying to decrypt using DES. Here is the code snippet:

Please let me know if i'm doing anything wrong here. Any help is appreciated
18 years ago
I'm implementing a functionality where I've two navigation paths.

One, the user may wish to start over and key in new data.

Secondly, the user might need to edit the existing criteria.

In the action mapping, i've defined the form bean scope as session. This helps if the user wants to edit the criteria. But when the user wants to start over, still the old values are retained. How do i make the form bean reset when the user starts over? The values should be retained when he wants to edit.

Any ideas/suggestions would be deeply appreciated...
19 years ago
I'm using JMS MapMessage (javax.jms.MapMessage) to send a message to a MQ Queue. I'm using a MDB to recieve the message. In the MDB, I'm getting a ClassCastException. The MDB is not getting the MapMessage instead it is expecting a

I thought that if i'm sending a MapMessage, I will get MapMessage on the recieving end too. But I feel I have to explicitly mention that in the sender.

After digging into the internet, I tried to use the following:

But I don't know what value to use for neither could i find that package also. I don't know whether this approach is right.

I also tried to change the tareget client defined for the queue destination. (I tried both JMS and MQ) Nothing helped.

Any help or ideas is appreciated

- Aravindan R -
[ April 19, 2005: Message edited by: Aravind Ramanujam ]
I'm having a struts based application where i need to log incoming and outgoing data to the system. To achieve this, i extended the action servlet and trying to log all in-bound and out-bound data. For the in-bound data, I'm collecting the values from request.getParameters() iterate through them and log it as key value pair.


How will i get the out-bound data?

I tried using request.getParameters(), in a similar way as i did for the in-bound data. But this just contains the information, which was keyed in by the user. Is there any other way to get the out-bound data? I couldn't find a method in the response object to get the data.

Appreciate your help.

- Aravindan -
19 years ago