Pavan Tummala

Ranch Hand
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since Dec 25, 2004
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Recent posts by Pavan Tummala

why do u even look at the picture? I hardly notice it.
18 years ago

Originally posted by Mark Herschberg:
I had a very different interview process. Someone from Google HR called me and asked me a few questions by phone. Then I spoke with the hiring manager by phone. Then I was flown in for a day long interview. That was it. Nothing written and only one round in person.

I am located in the US. Overseas offices may have a difference process.


Thats because you are "Mark Herschberg"
18 years ago
1)population : a few hundred thousand
2)pollution : nothing to worry about
3)Energy : nothing to worry about
4)Technology : evolving
5)world peace : peaceful after the worst holocaust to occur on earth
18 years ago
I have an xml file to be parsed at a location outside my application.
I want to place the DTD for the file inside the application not in the directory where the xml file is dropped.
How do I do this? Where can the dtd go? APP-INF?
Is it possible to not to allow empty attributes (attributes with no vlaues) using DTD validation?
CDATA #REQUIRED on attributes checks if the node it self is present, but not if the value of the attribute is empty.
Could it be anything related to the RequestProcessor?
[ May 15, 2006: Message edited by: Pavan Tummala ]
18 years ago
I heard that it is easier to send a SOAP request to a web service from struts. Can anyone please tell me how exactly does this work? I cant think about how struts plays a role in webservices.
18 years ago
I heard that it is easier to send a SOAP request to a web service from struts. Can anyone please tell me how exactly does this work? I cant think about how struts plays a role in webservices.
18 years ago
I have 2 services (session beans) which will be exposed as webservice for a webmethods client.
How do I go about exposing these 2 beans as a service. Can I expose the servicelocator itself as a webservice? I know the 2 session beans can be individually exposed as services, but how about servicelocator?
Any example would be great.
IDE: Eclipse
Server: Tomcat
DB? : Mysql
18 years ago
I observed this problem in one of my projects too, I had this project configured as a non-java project. I recreated the project, this time as a java project, and I was able to see the errors.
Hope that works for you
I dont think those directories are required. Lomboz just extracts itself to the Eclipse plugins folder and the features folder.
Make sure you extract the gmf plugin found on lomboz site before installing lomboz itself.
Easy struts used to be a nice plugin, but it only works on eclipse 2.1. Nitrox has some kinda plugin too but it isnt free, but they had some kind of one year trial some time ago. do check it.
18 years ago