Hi, Could you pls tell me how to create simple webservice ie addition of 2numbers or anything using java. Tell me any good document or sample code regarding webservice beca i am new to websrvice.
Hi, How to stores & retrives the documents(files) in Documentum. i know the Docbase, Docbroker & DFC API but i want any methods, and is it reqire any configure for this purpose... pls let me know asap.
I want edit the only specified fields in the PDF Templet for example tex fields like First Name, Last Name.. don't save write mode like that pls tell any related java programe or any logic for this purpose or how to do..
I want edit the only specified fields in the pdf file, for example tex fields like First Name, Last Name.. don't save write mode like that pls tell any related java programe for this purpose or how to do..