Ivey Zhang

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since Feb 01, 2001
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Recent posts by Ivey Zhang

Thank you Shan for let us know the new rule!
22 years ago
I got the logo via e-mail. It took about four more weeks.
23 years ago
I hope Harpal is right
23 years ago
I just passed SCJP. I would like to do a little practical stuff.
There's too many topics such as Servlet, Jsp, EJB, J2EE. I have no idea where should I start from, and which one is more useful to the future.
Could you please give me some good advice on how to select topic, books, links and so on. It will be save me lot of time.
Thank you very much for your help.
23 years ago
I just feel so depressed to see this job poster
What's problem for the market?
23 years ago
Thank you very much Harpal. I cannot to wait to see my logo
But I have to wait.
23 years ago
Thank you! I just passed the exam.
For how long to take you receive the certificate?
23 years ago
I just passed SCJP. And I know nothing about the SCJD except heard it's very tuff. I just wonder if I can do it? I don't have much Java experience but I hold a MS in computer science.
Could you please give me some advices on it? I'll really appreciate it! Thank you!
Thank you all of you and best wishes to you too!
23 years ago
I am looking for a job in the U.S.
Education: Master of Engineering in Computer Science.
Certification: Sun certified Java Programmer.
Employer sponsor is unnecessary.
Please email me by iveyzhang@yahoo.com
Thank you very much!

[This message has been edited by Ivey Zhang (edited March 12, 2001).]
23 years ago
Is there anybody know how to download a logo for scjp? I want to put it on my resume
Thank you for your help!
23 years ago
I passed the exam with just a little bit higher than the passed score
I feel very disppointed, becasue I expected more. I gained very high score for my mock exams. I did more than 20s of them. Especially for JQ+, my last three scores were above 90%.
Well, My point is never look down the exam. It's maybe not as easy as we thought. I only got several very easy straight forward questions. Others could be compare to those of tough~very tough questions in JQ+.
I didn't get any fill blank questions. Most of them are "two choices" questions.
Finally, I want to thank this good site and kind people here. I am benefited from you.
Thank you

[This message has been edited by Ivey Zhang (edited February 23, 2001).]
23 years ago
I see, I see
Thanks a lot!
public class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
int i = 0, j = 5;
lab1 : for( ; ; i++)
for( ; ; --j)
if( i >j )
break lab1;
System.out.println(" i ="+i+" , j = "+j);
//The answer is: i=0, j= -1
I cannot understand why "i" is 0 instead of 1, since it past the for(;;i++) loop.
Thank you for your explaination.

[This message has been edited by Ivey Zhang (edited February 14, 2001).]