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We're giving away four copies of Communication Patterns: A Guide for Developers and Architects and have Jacqui Read on-line!
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Lionel Badiou

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since Jan 06, 2005
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Hi again,

Java l&f is the default l&f used when no other l&f is specified, either on command line, code, or swing.defaultlaf property.

In your case, the swing.defaultlaf property is propably different on Windows and Solaris platform.

(As far as I know, the java look and feel was indeed also called 'metal' until java 1.4)

Best regards,
19 years ago

It sounds like your application uses the system look and feel (this means that components will be drawn on screen as close as possible to platform components).

You migh try to set manually the look and feel to the cross platform one (also know as java look and feel).

See here for details.

Hope that helps,
19 years ago
You might take a look at javahelp

Best regards,
19 years ago
You can specify those params:

where -Xms<size> specifies the initial Java heap size and -Xmx<size> the maximum Java heap size.

I think those values are set to 50m By default. Sometimes, increasing heap size could (lightly) improve JVM launch.

Hope that helps,
19 years ago
Hello Parul,

Swing classes are pure Java classes that look the same on all operating systems. AWT Java classes are not pure Java classes. They use underlying C/C++ native code (OS dependent) that can cause different appearances in different operating systems.

There are no big architectural differences; the class hierarchy is almost the same. The difference lies in the way the two are drawn on the screen. AWT components are heavyweight components with their own viewports, which send output to the screen. Swings are lightweight components and do not write themselves to the screen, but instead redirect the screen to the components it builds on. Heavyweight components have their own Z-ordering. This is the reason why Swing and AWT cannot be combined in a single container. If they are, the AWT components will be drawn on TOP of Swing components.

Hope that helps,
19 years ago
Hi Gil,

Check your CLASSPATH.

Hope that helps,
19 years ago
Hello Jayant,

As you can see, "parameter" and "argument" are synonymous.
Hope that helps,
19 years ago

This subject has been discussed many times here. You might use the "search" facility to retrieve the corresponding topics.

(by the way, you might read the javaranch naming policy)

Best regards,
19 years ago
Hello Hari,

To my mind, the basic procedure for a new version of a software is:

1. remove old version
2. install new version

This should work for jre as well.

Hope that helps,
19 years ago
Hello Darya,

Feel free to choose the solution that suits your needs. Be careful yet, your code does not guarantee that user enters only digits. So, you need one more check and consequently one more error message. This is the kind of things that JSpinner manages automatically. The use of JSpinner is as simple as calling a contructor but actually, this component is suitable mainly for small numbers (like page number).

Best regards,
19 years ago
Hello Darya,

Maybe you could use JSpinner(ready-to-use component to ensure digit inputs with "legal" values).

Hope that helps,
19 years ago
Hello Stuart,

You might try to:
1- Write your own Comparator (that compares two entries in your ArrayList)
2- Use Collections.sort(myArraylist, myComparator)

You may find details on Comparator

Best regards,
19 years ago
Hello Ankhur,

Here's a very basic tip in java:

Most java compilers (maybe all) will discard the code in backets at compile-time. So the code won't be present in bytecode.

Hope that helps,
19 years ago
Hello Nischal,

you may find useful to read this

Hope that helps,
19 years ago
Hello Manjit,

You might try to store your text in html format.

Hope that helps,
19 years ago