Alexander Rudloff

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since Jan 11, 2005
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Recent posts by Alexander Rudloff

I think you can probably create a transversal policy for the buttons.. I've also seen people use listeners to do it.. Mainly because it's been my experience at least, that the requestdefaultfocus type of stuff doesn't seem to work to well :\

19 years ago
I'll try playing with priority, I'm under the impression that that only works as somewhat of a suggestion though? Can't hurt I suppose.

And yeah, they heavy duty operation is in its own thread, which spawns a process and uses .waitFor(). Originally, we thought that might be the problem. The java docs say something to the effect of it blocking the calling thread.. I'm not quite sure if that is whats going on.. It's like both threads are running -- the information being sent to the gui is being logged.. It's just not updating the gui, which would be the swing thread's job. Once it finishes the process and the thread dies, all the label.setText updates run all at once, as if the swing thread is being awakened.

19 years ago
Unfortunately I don't have a sample program to include to illustrate, but..

Basically, we have a gui that is running an exec as part of a process. The process passes information back and should be displayed as an updating label on the UI. The swing thread isn't running until the exec is finished, then handles all the updates all at once. We've tried offloading it into a seperate thread/invoke later, also a swing worker (kinda the same thing?), we've tried sleep and yeild..

Maybe we're just failing to find the area thats making a call that blocks competing threads, or maybe we're just numb and overlooking something..

I know this may be a vague description, but any feedback? If anything, might help us get over whatever mental-hump
19 years ago
I'm planning on tinkering around with JDIC (Java Desktop Integration Components) sometime soon.. thought I'd post a little somethin' somethin' to see if any has any experience with the project and what your thoughts were.

JDIC page link
19 years ago
I tore through UML 2 Toolkit pretty quickly. The project included is pretty good too.
At the end of the day, the RUP cert isn't a killer, just not something you can overlook. I thought it was more difficult than the SCJP though. Simply because a lot of the answers feel subjective, and again, an 80% requirement vs. the low SCJP passing score. I suppose it all comes down to what you have experience with I guess.

The best book I've found was the practioners guide to rup (via amazon), but I still needed the RUP documentation to get the best study though.

Best advice I can give is to be fully aware of what artifacts come where, when, and by who. The princples themselves are pretty straight forward (iterative cycle, take advantage of the ability to customize rup instead of using everything, its designed to identify risks early, etc.)..

Artifacts and roles both require a small amount of memorization, but other than that.. It'll come down to reading a book or two and using RUP on a couple of projects to get the idea of it all.

Gotta be implementation.. I'm doing some pretty heavy swing here at work (well more than 6000 lines) and things run pretty slick..

If I were a betting man, I'd say your using a heck of a lot of listeners, or really expensive listeners? That'll slow down the UI like nobodies business. You have to be kinda careful in larger clients when your using them, especially if you end up with listeners hanging around when they shouldn't be or if listeners are trying to do to much.
[ February 09, 2005: Message edited by: Alexander Rudloff ]
19 years ago
My suggestion is to not choose between any camp at all. If you want to specialize in something, concentrate more on the principles behind it.. After all, software engineering remains somewhat "constant".. The languages are nothing more than the syntax..

At the end of the day, C# is a great language. So is Java. And PHP too.

They're tools, just like screwdrivers... To see a company divided up into "java boys" and ".net boys" seems like having a "philips head" vs. "flat head" turf war. Trying to figure out which one is the fastest deserves its own analogy� Perhaps trying to determine which model of mini-van is the best suited for nascar? If speed is the concern, you probably shouldn�t be using either.

Try to seek out the best tool for the job. It's not always about speed or efficiency... Consider the customer, the company politics, the training resources available, the amount of time available, etc.

I personally tend to lean towards .net when it comes to web service/xml work or extravagant GUI work (within windows at least...)

If its more server orientated and/or I have a higher need for cross platform (true cross platform, not MS cross platform), then it's java all the way...

Just my random two cents�
[ January 31, 2005: Message edited by: Alexander Rudloff ]
19 years ago
Set panel A up as a listener to panel B.. When B changes, fire an event. A hears this event and runs the appropriate method. setVisible(false) on the panel being updated, make your changes, then setVisible(true) at the end..

Is that what you were looking for?
19 years ago
The best resource is of course the rational documentation itself. It's searchable and pretty extensive.

Outside of that, I might recommend "The Rational Unified Process Made Easy: A Practitioner's Guide to Rational Unified Process" via Amazon.. Its a pretty practical approach and easier to read than the documentation.

The exam is tough. Mainly because you'll find yourself debating on some of the answers.. Do yourself a favor and try to keep a black and white mindset with it.. There's a lot of room for what-ifs and side tracking.. I don't know if this is because of poor wording or what, but I highly advise studying. If you can come across sample questions, they do a lot to teach you the kind of wording that the test uses..

The new 2005 exam is proctored I think, the old one was entirely online. Not sure how that'll affect the actual test/studying approach..

Best of luck.
get on the web and research the syntax differences that do exist between c and java, read as much as you can on OO, and go through the tutorials on suns website.

best of luck.

Until India and the rest of the outsourcing nations become home to the leading companies who are driving innovation, they will not be the leaders in IT. The countries who host the companies who use the outsourcing nations will be. I don't see the US relinquishing this role any time soon, and I still see an increase in tech jobs within the US in the future.

If your in the states and your looking for a java gig, move to the washington dc area, they seem to be everywhere.
19 years ago
I graduated from UCF in Dec 2003 with a degree in MIS.. I was fortunate enough to have built up my resume during school, and landed a pretty good java gig in DC..

It's been a lot of work to get "caught up" on some of the things I missed out on by going the more traditional computer science route. At the end of the day though, I think I'll be more well rounded and further prepared for the future.

I grew up programming and tinkering with computers. When I was at similar crossroads, it didn't make sense at the time to keep studying the things that I thought I already knew or could learn on my own.. I went the business route and gained a tremendous amount of knowledge in a field that I probably would have never formally studied.

Economics, finance and accounting gave me an incrediable foundation to build upon. The presentation classes that were required (damn near every class it seemed) gave me a public speaking ability and confidence with costumers that many engineers lack.

Anyway.. just my recent experiences.. hope it helps..
19 years ago
man, as child-like of a game as it may appear.. Yahoho Puzzle Pirates is some addicting stuff... Basically it's RPG meets multiplayer tetris, written in java..
19 years ago