This week's book giveaway is in the Agile and Other Processes forum.
We're giving away four copies of DevSecOps Adventures: A Game-Changing Approach with Chocolate, LEGO, and Coaching Games and have Dana Pylayeva on-line!
See this thread for details.

Angela Chint

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since Jan 13, 2005
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Recent posts by Angela Chint

How do I get the struts html field values in the java code of same JSP?

Please advice.
17 years ago
Hi All,

I have a "Look Up" link next to a text field for Department.
On clicking the "Look Up" link, I need to open a new window (pop up) with a list of departments pulled from Database.

User should be able to select the department and that value should be automatically populated in the text field for Department.

If any one has an idea how to do this, please advice.

I am using struts 1.2.9.

I need to write a JSP where there is drop down list for the list of employees and the JSP fields will be populated with the data realted to the first employee in the list. Later once we change the to another employee element, the JSP should be populated with the new employee details.

If any one knows how to do this, please advice.

Thank you.
17 years ago
I need to write a JSP page to display employee info that has 4 tabs i.e. for the Basic Employee info, for Employee Contact Info, for Employee Personal Info, for Employee Insurance info. Clicking on each tab displays info of the employee selected from a dropdown list, by populating the input text boxes, which are updatable. I do understand that there is JSPTabControl at, but we are not allowed to use it.

Could anyone suggest the best way to implement this.

Thanks in advance.

17 years ago
Hello All,

In my Jsp I am displaying a dropdown list of countries in each row. So the array to be passed to the Action Class should contain the values selected from this list.

I am not knowing how to pass the each value of the dropdown list as value of array element, and build the array in jsp to be passed on to the Action Class.

I appreciate any help/advice.

Thanks in advance.
17 years ago
Suppose I retieve 120 records from the data base, but I want to display only 10 records at a time. I am suing struts 1.1 project.

How can I implement pagination in struts1.1 project.

Thanks in advance.
17 years ago
Thank you, Chris.

Could you please advice if I will be able to do it using Tiles.

Thanks in advance.
17 years ago

I am using struts 1.1.

Could any one please advice on how to create a search page that displays the results of the search on the search page instead of on another page.

I appreciate any help in this regard.

17 years ago
How can I send the <html:errors> value, if there is a value, to a conirmation box.

Please advice.
17 years ago
In case it is a zero length file, I am able to displya an error message thro <html:errors>

But I do not know how to display this error message in a confirmation box, and then proceed based on the result.
17 years ago
Hello All,

If anyone knows the answer, please let me know.

17 years ago

I am new to struts.
I am doing the FTP file Upload using struts 1.1.

If the file is 0KB, then I have to bring up a popup box,
warning the user that the size of the file is 0KB, and
to confirm if he wants to continue.

How do I do that in struts 1.1?

I appreciate any help in this regard.

17 years ago
Thanks Nitesh.

Ulf, I am trying to show some data elements to the admin, which can be edited also, but for manager only view permission, for users not even view.
For Example: I need to show the Credit Card Info & SSN, to the Admin and also leave it editable, where as a manager can only view this data for any user and a user will not be able to see this, unless it is his own.

We are planning to use struts. Can this be done using action mapping & beans. I may need to use role based access control too in addition.

Please advice.

17 years ago

We require that certain data elements be shown to some users, for some users not even view permission, while some users have modify, read and delete permissions to it.

We are trying to implement security for our application. Which is the better approach?

To implement it at the screen level using the security-constraint of the web.xml or at the Data element level in the Data model.

17 years ago

We are trying to implement security for our application. Which is the better approach?

To implement it at the screen level using the security-constraint of the web.xml or at the Data element level in the Data model.

17 years ago