Abhijeet Thacker

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since Jan 15, 2005
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Recent posts by Abhijeet Thacker

Hi Jayanthi,

I would prefer not to use any IDE for starting. Start writing your code in simeple text editor like notepad or ultra edit. For the books Head first with Java is the most popular book for the startup.
18 years ago
Hi Rahul,
I totally agree with Campbell. Please search the net and try to find out what people are interested in at present. this will help you to get a better placement after your final sem training.

I suppose you are currently in 6th sem. It is very good that you guys are so proactive about your final semester project.

Some more suggestions:-

1. Contact the local companies in your area and try to get feeling if they have anything for you. Please make sure that you get into good company so later on this will help you to get a good placement.

2. Contact your seniors working with MNCs in the same technology. They should be able to give you a very good idea what is going on in the industry.

In case you need more help get in touch with me I can try with my organization in if they have something on this. and yes give preference to research projects this will be very very helpful to get into good institute for the higher stuies.

18 years ago
Hi Anand,
Check out following things.

1. To delete a file you must check if file exists in first place. So before you fire delete() make sure that file exists

2. Once you make sure that file exists and if delete fails then it means that there is some handle open for the file. Please close all the handles for that particular file and then fire the delete command.

3. make sure that file in question is not being used by some other program. Even in this case delete() will return false.

Please perform above mentioned steps in order and I am sure that delete() will succedd 99.99% of the time.

18 years ago
On the same path, but with little difference, when u add a member from the Array to your hasmap u can verify with containsKey() method of HashMap. If u get true then move on to Next element in Array, other wise add a member from array to HashMap.

At the end HashMap.size() and u can find the total number of unique member in your array.

This way it mightget improve the performance
18 years ago
No, java.lang.OutOfMemoryError will not be reported to event viewer.
18 years ago
singleton pattern is used when u need to have a single instance of the class in whole application, i.e. class is instanciated only once during the lifecycle of the application.

This pattern is useful with connection objects, XML data, which remain constant during the whole application and need not be instanciated again and again.
corrent me if I am wrong
18 years ago
Hi Frndz,

I have been working on both of these technologies for quite a bit long time. To me I feel this kind of decision really depends upon the application under consideration. Most of the times I have selected .net when I need to develop a complex GUI because of ease of application.

When things come to extreme programming Java is more preferable and dependable than tangling with ANY MS technology.

I have been using eclipse for a long time it is as good as IDE for .net.

Still I think we should see more discussion on this issue. Views, contradictions are always welcome
18 years ago
hi Radhika,

please mention the proper topic when you are posting on forums, Lots of ppl wont event take a look at such general statements. Please mention exactly what are you looking for.
18 years ago
I hope that you have already got the answer of your last question. Just to clarify u need to redeploy your application if you make ANY change in ur classes. This is not the case with jsp files or html files.

18 years ago
Hi Subi,

I doubt that you would have got the IO error. I tried with same code and evrything is working finr. Please try to get your current folder in this code snippet and whatever current folder you get please put your property file over there and then try again.

18 years ago
Just check if you have this line at the top of the jsp file

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"%>

if so, just remove it.

Or if you have any "special" character in your page. for example the Copy Right � character" if so, just encode it using ©
18 years ago

"5.What is singleton class?where is it used?
Singleton is a design pattern meant to provide one and only one instance of an object. Other objects can get a reference to this instance through a static method (class constructor is kept private). Why do we need one? Sometimes it is necessary, and often sufficient, to create a single instance of a given class. This has advantages in memory management, and for Java, in garbage collection. Moreover, restricting the number of instances may be necessary or desirable for technological or business reasons--for example, we may only want a single instance of a pool of database connections."

I have a small comment over this. there is a minor variation of this design pattern, which is used to restrict the number of instances of a class. It is not limited to be a single instance of a class.
18 years ago
Hi Ashish,

Dont worry this kind of bonds are illeagal, no one can do anything if you break this kind of bonds. Only thing is they may not give you an experience letter or may hold up ur unpaid salary. NOTHING ELSE THEY CAN DO ABOUT THIS.
18 years ago
Please can anybody let me know that what is hibernate and how to use it with struts ?? can some one please suggest me any good book or online examples or tutorials for the same??
19 years ago
Hi Tad,
Thanks for reply. but I have tried the solution suggested by you but line suggested by error page aontains following code
if (_jspx_meth_bean_message_0(_jspx_page_context))
can you give me any hint whats wrong with it??
I m new to struts
19 years ago