Hi all
I created a webservice which i could successfully deploy. but when i tried to compile my client it is showing an error as follows.
HoroscopeClient.java:14: cannot access staticstub.HoroscopeInterface
bad class file: .\build\staticstub\HoroscopeInterface.class
class file has wrong version 49.0, should be 48.0
Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath.
HoroscopeInterface hface=(HoroscopeInterface)stub;
1 error
following are the pakages involved in my webservice
I have a directory named HoroscopeWS which contatins the following
1. config.xml
2. HoroscopeImplementation.java
3. HoroscopeInterface.java
4. HoroscopeWebServiceWar.war
5. build (A directory)
build directory contains the following
1. HoroscopeWebService.wsdl
2. mapping.xml
3. horoscope(A package)
horoscope contains the following
1. HoroscopeImplementation.class
2. HoroscopeInterface.class
Following are the packages involved in the client application
I have a directory named static-stub which contatins the following
1. build(A directory)
2. config-wsdl.xml
3. HoroscopeClient.java
Build contains
1. staticstub (A package)
staticstub contains
1. HoroscopeInterface.class
2. HoroscopeInterface_getSunSignTrait_RequestStruct.class
3. HoroscopeInterface_getSunSignTrait_RequestStruct_SOAPSerializer.class
4. HoroscopeInterface_getSunSignTrait_ResponseStruct.class
5. HoroscopeInterface_getSunSignTrait_ResponseStruct_SOAPBuilder.class
6. HoroscopeInterface_getSunSignTrait_ResponseStruct_SOAPSerializer.class
7. HoroscopeInterface_Stub.class
8. HoroscopeWebService.class
9. HoroscopeWebService_Impl.class
10. HoroscopeWebService_SerializerRegistry.class
What might be the reason for the error
Thanks in advance