Albert Maurucier

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since Feb 18, 2005
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I don't understand why you need a 2PC transaction, is there anything you need to write in the external system? Your request is read only ! the external system reply is "authorized" or "rejected", if authorized you process the sell else you display an authorization failure window (and send email) labeled "authorization rejected".If there is any network failure, you catch it and display an error window.
I don't see any need for a transaction.I think that transactions are needed only when you have conncurrent updates....
If you have an internal error after a successful credit card processing, your system should be able to handle it with any "retry mechanism" or other stuff.The system should be "robust", robustness is an important architectural characteristic.


[ October 03, 2005: Message edited by: Albert Maurucier ]

Transaction model is one the most important parameter you should take in mind to meet performance and scalability requirements. Use transactions (and keep them short),only when NEEDED, document carefully your choices.


When i began to work on the assignment, i saw that there're many opportunities to use caching, performances will be really increased, i was facing many alternatives:
-caching search results with a value list handler and stateful strategy,(for paging) but it seemed to me that there's no need for this, the number of displayed flights for a given itinerary at a fixed date and time isn'nt really high
-caching a flight schedule with a VLS and singleton POJO strategy (loaded at server startup). Acess to this cache is multi-threaded
-caching all possible served routes and related flights between two cities , avoidind the overhead to execute the search algorithm at each search request(for complex routes), i'll use the same strategy as above. ( a "Connection Builder" may also run at fixed time to update the cache)
Few days before uploading, i left all these scenarios, i take the "keep it simple" way.
For your first question, your class diagram should be built upon business entities only. Show your caching mechanism in the components diagram with explainations in your text

[ August 12, 2005: Message edited by: Albert Maurucier ]
Hi Vu

Sun recommands SFSB as facade if the use case is conversational.

Thanks Matt

I had already, taken in mind what you said but... this solution seemed to me too irrealistic, my approach was different,I have made other assumptions:
-customer selects class at the beginning of the use case. At seat selection time, system displays only available seats corresponding to the class customer selected.
-System displays "packaged flights", customer can't select individual flight in any connection is necessary, so, the displayed price is for this package (or option: inbound or outbount trip), segment price is calculated...
I had never seen a reservation web site displaying all possible prices for a given flight.
I'll try to refine my assumptions...Thanks again Matt.
Hi Matt

I'm finishing the project and i hope to upload next days but i have a doubt on price itinerary use case:
In prepare itinerary use case we have:
"System responds with the selected flight priced and alternative flights if less than selected and within one hour of departure and return times"
In price itinerary use case, we have:
"System calculates the price of each segment of the selected itinerary and returns the priced itinerary"
The price of each segment is already calculated in prepare itinerary use case,is it called once again,only for adding the prices together ?
[ July 05, 2005: Message edited by: Albert Maurucier ]
The analyst has translated the constraint: "an Itinerary can't contain more than one reservation by flight"


Hi Jimenez

Sorry, i can't answer, here we go in the details of the assignment, this forum has rules...
You have to make decisions on your definitions of concepts...
Good luck and go ahead.

An airline company has a seat inventory system, seats are allocated to each flight and only to this flight (more accurately to each flight leg). How can you design this?
Aircraft has a property SeatMap (or SeatLayout...).
Equipment has a property Seats.

Equipment means type of aircraft, the association Equipment 1---1..* Seats means a specific aircraft type with a specific seating configuration.
Said more simply: Based on a description, you create an instance of a specific configuration and allocate it to the flight

Hope this help
Hi Mark

Don't worry, we were all really confused after first reading. Somme hints:
1/quick google searches to get a basic acknowledge of the airline jargon, don't try a "in depth search", you will be more confused, airline industry has very complex business rules.
2/Use an on-line reservation system as training tool, try different selections, one leg flight, multi leg flights,take in your hand a printed version of your assignment and study carefully the responses of the system to your inputs.
3/If you're lucky to get an airline ticket from friends, (best a ticket with multi legs flights)study it !
I think, this will eliminate your confusion.
For WAS 4, this exception means that the workload management service has attempted repeatedly to contact the application servers without success. Workload management resumes when application servers become available again.
WLM becomes available after
Quotes from Ibm websphere infocenter:

"The WebSphere Application Server client can catch these exceptions and then implement its own strategies to handle the situation; for example, it can display an error message if no servers are available"

19 years ago
Useful link, i think you can find there an answer to your question:


19 years ago